Wednesday, July 26, 2006

ann as a girl(:
today was oodles of fun
main laugh til you fart joke of the day:
i threw up joelle's wig during chinese and tossed it at the fan
it spun and flew STRAIGHT OUT THE WINDOW
what followed after that was even funnier
we all tried to get the wig back from where it lay precariously on the sloped ledge,
threatening to slide down into a drain or possibly onto gun's head if she happened to be walking around
we grabbed the dustpan and emeline with her crazy clumsy antics attmepted to scoop it up
as it neared us, she dropped the wig so it slid further down
the class,
crowded at the window was screaming with hysteria
and the class below us passing through the courts cast weird looks trying to see what we were doing
we scooped the wig up again and it somehow managed to get tossed to another part of the ledge
this time round,
vicky scooped it up with pretty much ease and our fun for the day was over(:
the catching of the flownaway wigif possible i'll try to upload the video here
after school,
met theadore at paya lebar where we caught up and then met ernie
piercing piercing piercing(:
ann and cali came next
there's was really damn nice
then hung out at ps with ann
and became her half hour girlfriend
(usually she has one day girlfriends)
starbucks and pretty much home after that
i'm tired out(:
and i think i piled on lotsa fats by consuming all that caramel and chocolate whip cream
bad charis!
fuck shit
i'll update. promise
the smell of you, still so clear
- xoxo
charis loves you
8:50 PM
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006
i havnt really had the time to blog
took a day off school today to get my eye infection checked out
full run in front of the board of directors
they said i was excellent
and i think the full run went awfully well
even though my first scene was rather scary and all
so scary that i forgot to diss the mother next door
(with her baggy clothes and facial products)
it went pretty well though
i mean,
who knows when we fluff our lines unless we,
let them SEE that we made a mistake
that's what i always say
so anyway
the run went good
and we'll be performing on the 8th of august
those coming for matinee show,
you're lucky cos of limited seats
those coming for the evening show,
you're even luckier
for those poor unfortunate souls,
(now don't i sound familiar)
catch it on tv,
highly probable it'll be a live broadcast before the news,
otherwise it'll be after
but whatever la
it'll be on tv
full stop
on the 8th
so keep watching tv that night
if you miss it,
you suck
then you must go but next month's teenage magazine so you can kick yourself for missing out on our once in a lifetime performance
for more details :
the gallery isn't up yet
i have to go sleep
im tired
goodnight world
- xoxo
charis loves you
11:31 PM
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Sunday, July 23, 2006

strange how you can love someone
and yet not notice when they're gone
strange how you can hug someone
yet leave them feeling so torn
innit strange?
innit strange?
strange how you can say that you'll be there for them
but you're not
strange how you can plan a date
then say you forgot
innit strange?
innit strange?
innit strange how at the end of my good girl week i get shit from Ms Yoong
and i fall ill
well, the latter isn't a suprise
i've been feeling pretty bad the whole week
which is the start of me falling sick
yesterday's wedding was beautiful and wonderful
the jam at the end of everything was truly,
vineyard style
as we used to say, way back then(:
i had a horrible tummy ache on my way back though
like really horrible and i was grouchy
thought it was nothing at first
then after that it was so fucking painful
i was doubling up and crying
mummy came in,
rubbed stuff on my painful flabs
gave me warm water
i tried going to sleep but i couldn't
i'd sleep and then wake up
cos the pain was unbearable,
it was hot and cold and uncomfortable
all the way til about 3 maybe 4 in the morning
during that time i developed rashes
and i started itching all over
my ears swelled up as did my fingers
i did fall asleep eventually though
and i woke up feeling the continuation of my nightmare
my arms are aching
so is my neck
both my eyes are swollen
one from crying when my tummy hurt
and the other because i think i have an eye infection
ears are still very much swollen
so basically i look disgusting
and i cried again today cos i was upset
i won't get my happy pill today
ah well
i'm still gonna go to school tomorrow though(:
hope i don't look as fucked up as i do now
- xoxo
charis loves you
11:05 AM
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Saturday, July 22, 2006
so i made it, survived the first week of my good girl week.
but just as i jumped into my success,
someone took away the trampoline beneath me which i was supposed to bounce off and into next week.
instead, i crashed
and i cried
because there was nothing else i could do
how was i supposed to react?
spending most of the week looking for either the VP or the Principal herself,
i've been keen on inviting them to my show since the opportunity for the invitation is open.
i admit, alright,
since sec 1, all i've ever wanted was for Mrs Lee to be proud of me.
fuck, it sounds so wrong,
and so fucking weird
and y'all so gonna laugh but you know,
it's true.
i managed to see the VP today,
and after excitedly telling her all about my show and all and if she'd like to come...
see, i didnt care or bother whether or not it was official or non official.
i just wanted them to come
of course,
i explained it officially and she basically said she needed the letter. unfortunately, mr leow (i know! he's gonna come(: )
had taken the letter after reading it and thus i didn't have it on me.
but anyway,
when she saw the papers i held (which were printed out by me, duh)
she shook her head explaining she needed it official with the letterhead.
after saying i couldn't, she still wanted to see the email anyway.
her being the VP,
i kinda couldn't really tell her i had a deadline
but from there,
she moved on to how my grades were bad
she told me i had been missing lotsa tests and had a high rate of absentism.
i said i know, the tests i'd missed had only been in term 1 and i was only absent a lot in term one and beginning of term 2.
she retorted, of course
her answer wrong, wrong reason but i won't correct her,
just nod my head and smile
she said my attitude is bad and mrs lee thinks maube i should even find another place(to study in)
i sort of defended myself
i said i had been turning up in school a lot more
(which really means a lot to me and is a huge deal)
and she goes:
"it's not about turing up. it's about your attitude. and we judge your attitude based on your results, which aren't good"
i don't see what an attitude has to do with results,
still, i smile pleasantly,
telling myself to ignore the fact that i came on good terms and went into her much avoided office of my own will and here she was, putting me down and making me seem like fucking shit.
"it's good that when you've come to see me you're properly attired"
she's implying that on normal day to day basis, i'm improperly attired.
and wasn't i right!
she goes
"but there are times when you're not properly attired in school"
my eyes widen in pure and utter confusion.
after all my efforts of wearing a high waisted overlong pinifore,
you're saying there's still something wrong with my attire?
this is what she picks on,
she says:
"sometimes your badge isn't on"
i know she means name tag cos i hate going round without a school badge and so, this happens very rarely. wait, it never happens, i always have my school badge on.
she also says:
"sometimes your socks are too low. you know you don't need me to quote,i'm sure you know."
i nod and smile even though i'm not sure i know how 'improper' my attire has been.
she confiscates my nose stud
she says she'll talk to all my teachers who i am very sure have quite good impressions of me, save my english teacher.
she wants their on opinion on whether i should stay in class.
they want my mother down and they want to see her so badly that they've threatened they might tell me i cant attend class until mummy comes down.
first of all,
i don't see how that'll help
i don't get the threatening.
i leave the office,
a fake smile,
a mask,
plastered on my face.
i went into the office which all us students avoid,
simply to invite her to my play.
not only did she give me and earful about official ways and all,
she told me off for something that happened or had been happening two months back.
what she said today,
it just makes me want to skip school on monday.
i can't stand it.
i mean,
i've just started getting into the swing of my good girl week and you're putting me down like this?
why i ask?
out of all my friends, my belt is the highest, my uniform the tightest
(besides the fact that i'm fat)
i always bring my nametag
i've even stopped wearing extra ear sticks in my extra holes
i've been to school so much more often
and still,
it's not enough.
it's still not enough.
when you've been cut off, broken down so many times, after a while, you just don't want to grow anymore you play with the last straw of my nerves, bitch, you play and i swear...
i'm sad
and silence rings loud in ears,
i wrote a post about today which just makes me wanna cry again
and i'm sick.
i've been sick the whole week.
not really sick
but i know im coming down with something
mummy gave me a hug
guess i really needed that
but other than that,
other than mummy, i didn't really have people to talk to about today
alastair's busy and tired
i mean,
it's not so much so that he always has to be around but
never mind.
because i've been alone.
when the silence rings loud.
i'm tired,
i could've done all this earlier
but instead
i was finishing alastair's present
it's so dumb anyway
and i'm thinking
fuck this
and on top of that,
i can't read my poem tomorrow while i'm up there.
i wrote it specially for the two of them(andrew and michelle)
reading it to mummy and alastair,
it's nice cos they say it's good.
but reading it out to someone else,
it suddenly made me feel so very stupid
made me feel like a little kid who came up with silly words which i thought rhymed.
im falling asleep.
and yes,
i hope someone will read this post and send it to the school so those two will get the slap they need
"now now, you shouldn't complain about secondary school. wait til you get out and start working in the world"
"no fucking way, you havn't been in PL"
i say, amen to that!
ah wells
ever wanted to fly? how about die?
- xoxo
charis loves you
2:02 AM
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Sunday, July 16, 2006
an oldies kinda love so i'm sitting down to finish up my prep work for tuesday
we're checking out theadore's studio on wednesday
guess baby buu can get her lip pierced then
just gotta put a plaster over it
lunch today was goooood(:
these two weeks are gonna be busy
i'm tired and i should be getting back to work
i don't feel like being good for twoooo weeeeeks
but the school's mad at me
and i would really like to be ld president,
like it's even possible
and at least not get retained this year
that'll be a waste of time
i had a nice nice dream last night
alastair got me a miniature yorkshire terrier which cost $2300
and the leeeetleee puppy fell asleep in my arms
can't wait for 28th=D
in my arms for that moment
your lips against mine
if only we could just stay like that
forever today was yummy(:
- xoxo
charis loves you
10:05 PM
(1) comments
my cousin glenn is absolutely hilarious
i swear i almost cried laughing
below, all from him on people's stupid ass bios/ profiles
ie; friendster profiles i think?
there are so many things that people put in their bios that are just plain stupid. Mostly I’m talking about the women, since I don’t spend a lot of time reading guy’s bios. But I’m sure guys are equally dumb too.
Take the following statement for example: “I love to laugh.” I swear, this is easily one of the dumbest things that people will say. Who doesn’t like to laugh? Is it even necessary to announce this to the world? What kind of response does a person think this statement deserves? Does anyone actually believe this is a deceptively profound thing to say? When someone tells me they love to laugh, I feel like stabbing them in the eye and asking if they find that funny.
“I like to have fun,” cousin to the first statement, is equally pointless. It’s like saying, “My eyes like to see things.” The whole point of FUN is that its LIKEABLE. If you are engaged in an activity that you don’t like, it’s NOT FUN. When someone says “I love to laugh and have fun”, I go out and cut babies.
“On weekends I like to go out, but sometimes I’ll just stay in” - Uhh…is this actually saying anything? Nearly everything a person does can follow the “Sometimes X, sometimes not X” formula. Sometimes I go to school, but sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I clip my toenails, sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I catch flying insects with my chopsticks, sometimes I don’t. One of the few things that a person can do all the time is breathe, and whoever writes stuff like this should try to stop.
he should write for the paper.
i love him(:
alastair just cracked me up like crazy by asking if i love bungna
why the hell does everyone including my boyfriend think i'm in love with bungna?
- xoxo
charis loves you
12:15 AM
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Saturday, July 15, 2006

it's hard to understand why a seventeen year old would have to lie to her mom saying she's out studying so she can go out with friends
and at the same time it's even more difficult to understand why an eighteen year old tells his mom he's going out with friends and gets accused for sneaking out to see his girlfriend and not being believed when he says he and his girlfriend have broken up.
the world is stupid and people don't shut up
utter confusion,
i need someone to explain
- xoxo
charis loves you
11:47 PM
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Friday, July 14, 2006

so is this supposed to be love?
cos it don't feel like nothin' much no more anyway,
this beach party's up(:
y'all gotta get tickets from me!
1st sept! Youth Empire presents an OUTDOOR
PARTY! 'The KRUNK Market' @ Tanjong Beach
The 1st LARGEST, over 100 stalls FLAMBOYANT
and FACINATING midnight market along side with
Krunk R&B Beach Party.
Presenting surprise performances - The Flesh
From the same people who brought you VAUNT @
MoS! this is going to be a bigger
event with more space to dance, more people to
get to know and more things to do!
6pm - 6am
16 years and above, non alcoholic and alcoholic.
$20 presale includes 1 drink+island entry.
if you're interested in renting a stall, RSVP for
space. $70 deposite, $40 refunded on the day
itself. the best decorated stall will win 2 TICKETS
TO NEW YORK! each store will be 2 metres by 2
metres. you will be able to sell any products or
services in the bazaar, in fact you are encouraged
to come up with unique and provocative ideas!
second-hand vintage goods, food, hair services
(braiding, hair spray etc.) or even interesting game
stalls like beer punk, kissing/stripping booth, arm
wrestling, condom blowing or whatever creative
game ideas you can think of!
or if you are able to do tarrot cards readings, do
hardo gay or miss swan impersonations, provide
make-overs; or any other interesting concepts, we
need you to spice up our event!
FRIENDS. its going to be one wild night to
contact me for more details:
interested to set up a stall or help us sell tickets!
"provoke, not promote"
- xoxo
charis loves you
4:28 PM
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another day in school
Girl on cell: Listen, the only ass I kiss is Jesus Christ. Got that?
SOURCE: overheard in New York (said a thousand times, thee best)
so i guess in response to this we should go Hallelujah right?
so anyway,
for the next couple of weeks i'm gonna be a reeeaal goood giirl
i miss ld
but i have fucking rehearsals today
which are at like 4.30
and it's four now
and i havn't bathed
so i have a jam packed friday saturday and sunday
oh my word
after school i had to complete my zuo wen
then i had to come home cos
i have to be at KC for rehearsals
and after that,
i have a worship concert at church
7am - 12.30noon i have to host some thing at pathlight
for autistic kids
i kinda wanted to be a buddy to one kid in particular and take the kid around with me
but unfortunately,
we dont have enough people manning our two stalls
thus all 28 of us(like everyone would even turn up)
have to man stalls and cannot usher or take little kiddies around
the thing is,
i've already done CIP
so i don't know
eh, wth
i'll just do it anyway
after pathlight carnival which ends at half 12,
i have to be at reharsals, st pats at 1pm
all the way til 5pm and after that go for church
more stuff to do
and math homework
plus i have art prep work to finish
and a whole lotta other shit
i'm fat
out of point
Blocked writer: Do you know how hard it is to write a useful, edifying sermon when you've got "Don't You Wish Your Girlfriend Was Hot Like Me" stuck in your head?
source : overheard in the office
just as good,
i promise just as gooood
breakups suck fuck i'm tireedd
Upset worker: Oh, Lord! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!! Lord, help me!
Voice from her speaker phone: You called?
source : overheard in the office
told you it was just as good(:
i ought to be off
- xoxo
charis loves you
4:15 PM
(0) comments
Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Middle-Aged man: I think vampires are kind of stupid. They seem to care an awful lot about how they look and what others think. It's like, who cares? You're six hundred years old and on your way to hell, hello?
source: overheard in New York
i just absolutly love this website
so anyway,
the days havn't been that bad
missed school today when actually i just wanted to miss the first two periods
and i missed literature and SS and english
Asian valley chick: So, I bought this shirt? And it was was was like, a shirt? And it was really cool.
another quote from the same site
it's linked under just for laughs
so anyway
i have rehearsals later
i kinda forgot what i wanted to say
just another day, reallydinner with andrew last night
it was good
and tomorrow there's a talk show i'll be on with mummy
cos i look back on us
and everything we had
and still have
and i realize how much i really love you
- xoxo
charis loves you
1:25 PM
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Sunday, July 09, 2006
bird is uber cute
i starting whining about not being her best friend anymore
because i was being a huge baby
then she went
yours truly//- i know bird loves me says:
sniffle. and i'm not your best friend.
yours truly//- i know bird loves me says:
im depressed
yours truly//- i know bird loves me says:
yours truly//- i know bird loves me says:
im gonna have anxiety attack
BIRD : My loves; Clare Anna Zoe. says:
what happen
yours truly//- i know bird loves me says:
and my fat neck will be amputated!
BIRD : My loves; Clare Anna Zoe. says:
eh eh eh
BIRD : My loves; Clare Anna Zoe. says:
i was afraid you might misunderstand. fish and i were kidding when we went BEST FRIEND
BIRD : My loves; Clare Anna Zoe. says:
bcos i asked her to help me do smth
BIRD : My loves; Clare Anna Zoe. says:
so i went, I'D BE YR BEST FRIEND
and yes,
she told me like i needed an explanation.
now that just makes me out to be someone who's picky about titles and labels as vicky would put it
but she's awfully cute,
and her eye is swollen
so i think she ought to come to school so that she can distract teachers.
shiate i'm super smart
wicker park wicker park
the show is like
uber nice
with lots of complications and the just missing of two lovers
i like
patch adams patch adams
Sonnet 17 by Pablo Neruda
I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.
I love you as the plant that never blooms but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;
thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,
risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way
that this: where I does not exist, nor you,
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.
because you know i do,
don't you?
that i still love you
with all my heart
- xoxo
charis loves you
10:08 PM
(0) comments
bird is uber cute
i starting whining about not being her best friend anymore
because i was being a huge baby
then she went
yours truly//- i know bird loves me says:
sniffle. and i'm not your best friend.
yours truly//- i know bird loves me says:
im depressed
yours truly//- i know bird loves me says:
yours truly//- i know bird loves me says:
im gonna have anxiety attack
BIRD : My loves; Clare Anna Zoe. says:
what happen
yours truly//- i know bird loves me says:
and my fat neck will be amputated!
BIRD : My loves; Clare Anna Zoe. says:
eh eh eh
BIRD : My loves; Clare Anna Zoe. says:
i was afraid you might misunderstand. fish and i were kidding when we went BEST FRIEND
BIRD : My loves; Clare Anna Zoe. says:
bcos i asked her to help me do smth
BIRD : My loves; Clare Anna Zoe. says:
so i went, I'D BE YR BEST FRIEND
and yes,
she told me like i needed an explanation.
now that just makes me out to be someone who's picky about titles and labels as vicky would put it
but she's awfully cute,
and her eye is swollen
so i think she ought to come to school so that she can distract teachers.
shiate i'm super smart
wicker park wicker park
the show is like
uber nice
with lots of complicatio
- xoxo
charis loves you
10:08 PM
(0) comments
Saturday, July 08, 2006

"who is it?"
her voice light, excited,
hopeful way different from her usual bored way of asking who's at the door
i saw my sister gesturing
i strained my neck a little and saw her hurry out the kitchen
i smiled first,
then i ran and skidded straight into her arms
and we just held each other
held each other tight and cried and cried and cried
and right there and then,
i knew she still loved me
it's good to be home
oh yes it is
- xoxo
charis loves you
1:01 AM
(0) comments
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

people say running away from your problems doesn't help nothing
but that's wrong
it helps you
it helps you breathe,
helps you live again
helps you realize that there's a someone out there who loves you
even if what you're leaving behind hates your guts like shit
it helps you decide against taking your own life sometimes, you know
i have to finish my art piece
and i've got rehearsals at marine parade library
people ask if i'm in love with you
cos i'm sittin here with your picture
and smilin to myself
i'm kinda lost in my own thoughts of you
and my heart speaks before my mind thinks through
and i blush as i say yes
What a feeling of vulnerability coming over me
And I'm feeling weak and I can't speak
Never thought I'd give in so willingly to a human being
With abilities to set me free
Free, make me be me
Makes me want to say
Your lips, your love, your smile, your kiss
I must admit it's a part of me
You please me, complete me, believe me
Like a melody
Your soul, your flow, your youth, your truth is simply proof
We were meant to be
But the best quality thats hookin' me
Is that you're loving me for me
Is that you're loving me for me
when it's all dark
but there's a small light
a small light,
promising to stay with you
I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly.
I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky.
Make a wish, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away.
Out of the darkness and into the sun.
But I won't forget all the ones that I love.
I'll take a risk, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away
i couldn't take one more day
home was more a prison now
independence called out
i had to get it
a fight was all i needed
to give me reason
slam the door, my last goodbye
taking off
it was time
- xoxo
charis loves you
2:50 PM
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look at me,
you may think you see who i really am
but you'll never know meyesterday was nothing more than fucked up shit
you used to be my best friend
you told me you wouldn't judge
but i am nothing more than a fucking cheap slut to you
slamming my head against the wall
again and again
it's not who i'm choosing
it's the unreasonability of it all
the marks you left along my neck
the bruises
the knife that you made my best friend
the best friend who replaced you
you should have killed me
so that i wouldn't be here,
feeling this pain
and thinking this way
in the end,
i can only say i'm sorry
i'm sorry i'm not the little angel you always thought i'd be
i've got things to do
and stuff to take care off
so it's pointless to cry
you know, all i ever wanted
was for you to love me the way you did before
but know
i just fucking give up
because i'm so fucking tired
of you
of this
of never being fucking good enough
his mom hates me and you do too
well you guys have something in common now
but i don't wanna care about that
because i'm so tired
fucking tired of this life
the lights of the ferris wheel and the kiddies' roller coaster
the wind blowing through our hair
the night so cool
the moment,
so surreal
so beautiful
i could stay in it forever
i wanted to stay in it forever
because it was you and me,
and all that
and i wanted that to be our forever. look me in the eye, and tell me that you're happy now
because like you wanted,
we are no more
we'd be fighting a losing battle anyway
words you say that you never really meant
who is that girl i see
staring straight
back at me
why does my reflection show
someone i
don't know
- xoxo
charis loves you
12:30 AM
(0) comments
Sunday, July 02, 2006

old pictures and utter narccism(?)
precious time with my baby buu(:

my parents have finally come to an agreement for the arrangement for a tutor for my sister and i
busy with rehearsals and my own shit plusplusplus
on top of which i've promised to get tutored by my chinese teacher
this tutor daddy insisted on us hiring is stepmom's chinese tutor
kid from poly and says she's better at math
first lesson's on tuesday
definitely can't make it
but yea well
mummy's been on the phone with our new tutor
and according to her
our relation to daddy,
my father
is, at least so he told her
"a friend who has two daughters"
i've more or less gotten over my parents divorce
gotten over the fact that stepmom and the soon to be new family will take priority over me and janice
gotten over the fact that he pays more to keep his lovely shiny audi than his two girls from the first marriage
and i've gotten over the fact that daddy putting on two year old charis' little green booties are no more than lovely postcard pictures
as is the daddy videotaping charis dancing with penny,
swinging her round and round in front of the fire place
but this,
this is new
that now we're just
"daughters of a friend"
not even his own daughters
i can take the rain on the roof of this empty house
that don't bother me
i can take a few tears now and then and just let em out
i'm not afraid to cry
every once
in a while
even though going on with you gone
still upsets me
there are days every now and again
i pretend i'm okay
but that's not what gets me
what hurts the most,
was being so close
and havin' so much to say
and watching you walk away
never knowin
what could have been
and not seeing that loving you
is what i was trying to do amazing how a love song can be turned round and mean so much from a daughter to her father
or rather
the father she never quite had
don't get me wrong
i loved him
i still do
and i love his fatherness and all
guess he'll never know how much he hurt me
my family
so anyway,
today was good
i have to prepare for tomorrow though
paint my nails garish red
have horrible makeup
and i'm going down for tomorrow's closing ceremony
i almost don't want the music marathon to end
you know,
because it's so lovely
it's so nice knowing my school's there
in millenia walk
even right now
at this precise moment
i sang a couple of solos=D
not too bad i suppose
except i'm a tad upset that after all our hard work
all our practicing and effort
our performance was great besides a few hiccups here and there
but our performance was at 8.30 am on a friday
this means we weren't watched by people other than tired old cleaners,
supportive parents and teachers
my voice echoed off
it was okay, the sound
but few people to appreciate
so i guess,
i feel for those up there singing at about 2am
ah well
it's not for us,
it's for the school=D
pauline's group sang amazingly well
but this other group,
shan't say who
they were horrible
makes me wonder why they didn't get the 8.30 shift
okay busy busy me
i have to complete my ary project and all the other shit for tomorrow
i'm asking myself if i love you
i'm asking myself if the time has come
for our relationship to crumble like a leaf
stepped one
i'm asking if it is time our love fade
like all the rest during this long, harsh breakup season
and i found the answer
no, the relationship would not end here
no, it is not time for our relationship to crumble
nor the time for our love to fade
no, the time has not come
and it never will
wo bu hui xue zhe fang qi ni,
shi ying wei wo tai ai ni
- xoxo
charis loves you
11:10 PM
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you, tattooed in me
you, for all the world to see
you, a part of me
a part of me
forever break up season
but it's not our time
music marathon went great
and it's really an incredible feeling to know that if i'm bored i can go to millenia walk and check out my school singing
some people really aren't that great but hey,
it's the support you know?
so recently,
a lot of shit's been happening
rough patch
it's break up season
i'll type more when i have time
- xoxo
charis loves you
1:52 PM
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