Sunday, July 02, 2006

old pictures and utter narccism(?)
precious time with my baby buu(:

my parents have finally come to an agreement for the arrangement for a tutor for my sister and i
busy with rehearsals and my own shit plusplusplus
on top of which i've promised to get tutored by my chinese teacher
this tutor daddy insisted on us hiring is stepmom's chinese tutor
kid from poly and says she's better at math
first lesson's on tuesday
definitely can't make it
but yea well
mummy's been on the phone with our new tutor
and according to her
our relation to daddy,
my father
is, at least so he told her
"a friend who has two daughters"
i've more or less gotten over my parents divorce
gotten over the fact that stepmom and the soon to be new family will take priority over me and janice
gotten over the fact that he pays more to keep his lovely shiny audi than his two girls from the first marriage
and i've gotten over the fact that daddy putting on two year old charis' little green booties are no more than lovely postcard pictures
as is the daddy videotaping charis dancing with penny,
swinging her round and round in front of the fire place
but this,
this is new
that now we're just
"daughters of a friend"
not even his own daughters
i can take the rain on the roof of this empty house
that don't bother me
i can take a few tears now and then and just let em out
i'm not afraid to cry
every once
in a while
even though going on with you gone
still upsets me
there are days every now and again
i pretend i'm okay
but that's not what gets me
what hurts the most,
was being so close
and havin' so much to say
and watching you walk away
never knowin
what could have been
and not seeing that loving you
is what i was trying to do amazing how a love song can be turned round and mean so much from a daughter to her father
or rather
the father she never quite had
don't get me wrong
i loved him
i still do
and i love his fatherness and all
guess he'll never know how much he hurt me
my family
so anyway,
today was good
i have to prepare for tomorrow though
paint my nails garish red
have horrible makeup
and i'm going down for tomorrow's closing ceremony
i almost don't want the music marathon to end
you know,
because it's so lovely
it's so nice knowing my school's there
in millenia walk
even right now
at this precise moment
i sang a couple of solos=D
not too bad i suppose
except i'm a tad upset that after all our hard work
all our practicing and effort
our performance was great besides a few hiccups here and there
but our performance was at 8.30 am on a friday
this means we weren't watched by people other than tired old cleaners,
supportive parents and teachers
my voice echoed off
it was okay, the sound
but few people to appreciate
so i guess,
i feel for those up there singing at about 2am
ah well
it's not for us,
it's for the school=D
pauline's group sang amazingly well
but this other group,
shan't say who
they were horrible
makes me wonder why they didn't get the 8.30 shift
okay busy busy me
i have to complete my ary project and all the other shit for tomorrow
i'm asking myself if i love you
i'm asking myself if the time has come
for our relationship to crumble like a leaf
stepped one
i'm asking if it is time our love fade
like all the rest during this long, harsh breakup season
and i found the answer
no, the relationship would not end here
no, it is not time for our relationship to crumble
nor the time for our love to fade
no, the time has not come
and it never will
wo bu hui xue zhe fang qi ni,
shi ying wei wo tai ai ni
- xoxo
charis loves you
11:10 PM