Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Middle-Aged man: I think vampires are kind of stupid. They seem to care an awful lot about how they look and what others think. It's like, who cares? You're six hundred years old and on your way to hell, hello?
source: overheard in New York
i just absolutly love this website
so anyway,
the days havn't been that bad
missed school today when actually i just wanted to miss the first two periods
and i missed literature and SS and english
Asian valley chick: So, I bought this shirt? And it was like...it was like...it was like, a shirt? And it was really cool.
another quote from the same site
it's linked under just for laughs
so anyway
i have rehearsals later
i kinda forgot what i wanted to say
just another day, reallydinner with andrew last night
it was good
and tomorrow there's a talk show i'll be on with mummy
cos i look back on us
and everything we had
and still have
and i realize how much i really love you
- xoxo
charis loves you
1:25 PM