Friday, July 14, 2006

so is this supposed to be love?
cos it don't feel like nothin' much no more anyway,
this beach party's up(:
y'all gotta get tickets from me!
1st sept! Youth Empire presents an OUTDOOR
PARTY! 'The KRUNK Market' @ Tanjong Beach
The 1st LARGEST, over 100 stalls FLAMBOYANT
and FACINATING midnight market along side with
Krunk R&B Beach Party.
Presenting surprise performances - The Flesh
From the same people who brought you VAUNT @
MoS! this is going to be a bigger
event with more space to dance, more people to
get to know and more things to do!
6pm - 6am
16 years and above, non alcoholic and alcoholic.
$20 presale includes 1 drink+island entry.
if you're interested in renting a stall, RSVP for
space. $70 deposite, $40 refunded on the day
itself. the best decorated stall will win 2 TICKETS
TO NEW YORK! each store will be 2 metres by 2
metres. you will be able to sell any products or
services in the bazaar, in fact you are encouraged
to come up with unique and provocative ideas!
second-hand vintage goods, food, hair services
(braiding, hair spray etc.) or even interesting game
stalls like beer punk, kissing/stripping booth, arm
wrestling, condom blowing or whatever creative
game ideas you can think of!
or if you are able to do tarrot cards readings, do
hardo gay or miss swan impersonations, provide
make-overs; or any other interesting concepts, we
need you to spice up our event!
FRIENDS. its going to be one wild night to
contact me for more details:
interested to set up a stall or help us sell tickets!
"provoke, not promote"
- xoxo
charis loves you
4:28 PM