Monday, August 13, 2007

follow me into the dark
i've been blogging for about four years already, starting off with a diaryland blog(which i still have) and then, blogspot.
I still blog a lot, i'd say. Whether it's about my everyday life or random opinions which i can't keep to myself.
I think i've got a pretty okay readership. Maybe not as much as Wendy Cheng or even vick. haha. but it's enough i guess.
It's nice when people randomly go like, "yea i read your blog" and i've only known them for like two days.
I've changed my blog!(:
Everyone seems to be complaining about how slow and laggy this thing is anyway.
Keep yourself updated on my new blog, i'll be putting more of an effort to write in more often, and hopefully more than just about boring everyday stuff. haha.
It's a much nicer site, navigations on the site and a bit more than a blog i'd say.
It loads faster, and i'm hoping to use it a wee bit more professionally. haha.
(okay laugh all you want lah)
basically, now, when i'm asked for my website i can actually list a relatively(in my opinion) proper one instead of a blogspot blog.
the link is
please keep on reading and leaving comments and whatnot.
it's much faster so you don't have to be like,
"wah lao. your blog lag my com worxxx"
i like this layout, but i'm gonna change it soon. haha
all my love, hugs and kisses!
- xoxo
charis loves you
7:22 PM
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He stood there,
so much a winner that he was actually, in fact, a loser.
It wasn't that he was a bad person, far from it!
Funny and charming, he drew people to him. Yet such unprofession would cost him his intergrity and his face.
Perhaps they thought it was a gift to him,
but it couldn't be anything more than a curse.
Underserved, no cheers heard, and group hugs that included him after the slightest hesitation.
Boos from fans of the deserving, chucked out, to bestow upon him what he should hardly be able to imagine.
My friend, always a good loser, but a winner more than him.
This is going to be a tad bit short cos i'm really tired.
I met Gillian (producer of Wendy Cheng's Girls Out Loud)
and she's really nice. haha
the script i had to audition with was hilarious, i have to go tell the baby ogre.
kind of like her older sister's script which included a Harry HangLow.
never mind, you wouldn't understand, sorry for being rude.
SO Teenage Icon Finals!
I missed out on Ernie):
But i'm so proud of her winning 2nd runner up and although this sounds cliche and like one is doing no more than making the best of circumstance,
it is true that whether or not Ernie won first or Consolation, she would've still carried on and made it.
After all, with the Y2Y behind her and events after events, it's a tad bit difficult for her to keep off the stage for long.
Teenage Icon is a stepping stone,
but it depends on how one makes the best of it.
For me, it was an experience.
My passion for the stage isn't gonna die out because i didn't make it to the finals!
and it is incredibly sad because some who got out at the same round a me talk about trying again next year.
("oh there's always next year!")
That isn't the point.
granted, one shouldn't give up hope just like that,
but Teenage Icon isn't the Be All and End All.
You are not nothing because you didn't win.
Take Shi Ying for example!
She's from PL and she went for campus superstar.
she got kicked out at the second round and wasn't foreseen to go far in this competition.
(please don't kill me, i actually don't think she can sing okay)
but i will admit, that she has an image onstage and that's what kept her on.
And guess what? she won Miss Silkygirl!
move on to more.
Met Ming and Priscilla today, i didn't know that they were gonna sing!
And when i met Ming she ran up and gave me a hug, she's just the sweetest thing!
Unfortunately her Manager wasn't being very friendly or maybe she's just got Ming's best interests in mind.
All i can say is, if i had a manager like that, either it isn't gonna work or i can expect to grow distant from friends AND fans.
Ming's singing has improved like a lot!
She's so much louder, you wouldn't believe it. SERIOUSLY.
i kinda hoped she'd do a jazz number though, it IS her forte after all.
FINALLY i managed to shop today!
jeans and like, three ohsohot tops! i loooove!
Thinking about lots of days spent non-stop shopping,
first prize goes to weeks in LA.
i just keep buying stuff over there, or i like, look at stuff and my aunts buy it for me.
Over there,
everything fits, everything is so incredibly cute and you can't get some of em here.
well most of em actually.
even IF they're made in China or HongKong.
My phone's totally screwing up on me,
so anyone's quite welcome to be a dear and buy me a phone.
yea right.
I need to go shopping for catwalk heels,
and i need to find a proper job for right after O's.
well, that's quite a bit for such a short post!
all my love
- xoxo
charis loves you
1:08 AM
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Friday, August 10, 2007
This is from my cousin's blog:
bluetooth enabledIn my opinion, there is only one situation where wearing a bluetooth headset is acceptable: driving.
Wearing it for anything else usually makes you look like an asshat. Now now.
Before you jump to conclusions, of COURSE I know plenty of friends who wear bluetooth headsets. And yes, they usually look like asshats too. I mean, I can understand the need to be “hands-free” while taking a call in the restroom at a mall, but only for those very special phone calls if you know what I mean.
In the car, however, I’m a complete advocate of bluetooth headsets. Hell, I don’t use mine often enough (or ever…depending on how you see it…). San Gabriel/Monterey Park/Alhambra is already a bad enough place to drive without having to dodge old Asian ladies who can’t see over the steering wheel. The other day I was tailing a grandmother who was going FORTY on the 10 freeway. C’MON!!! Add that to a few people who swerve halfway into your lane because they’re talking on the phone and you’ve got a magical place to drive in LA.
Nevertheless, if you’re driving and you own a bluetooth headset…have at it. If it helps you avoid old Asian ladies and swerving jackasses and keeps you out of a wreck that may potentially cost me 20 minutes on my commute, I give you my blessing. I WANT you to wear your bluetooth headset. But unless you lost both arms in the war (thanks, by the way), please take that ridiculous hunk of plastic out of your ear.
hilarious as always!
i miss him oodles.
- xoxo
charis loves you
10:50 PM
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i've got this huuuuge UGLY bruise on my leg.
it's dayammm painful.
- xoxo
charis loves you
10:43 PM
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okay lah.
i'm guessing you guys are all damn lazy to check out the website OR Teenage magazine.
these pictures are the nicer ones(:

in case you're wondering, the slit(on the right) starts at the tip of my fingers.
like zomg.
it's lovely though(:
i always get a lot of spam, and my house mate told me how she loves reading her spam mail because it's so incredibly interesting.
here's one:
Your orgasms will be enhanced to the point of ecstasy, and your stamina and overall sexual health will be greatly increased.
okay, i have brilliant orgasms already.
the show's coming up and we've been rehearsing like fucking crazy.
Just today, we started at one and ended at seven.
like what in the woooorld.
my feeties hurt after tottering around in uber high heels.
and by the way, they don't look very high thanks to my fat feeties):
tomorrow's day starts at nine, more walking about all the way til afternoon.
Sunday is filled up too, as well as next thursday and friday.
they're probably gunning for yet another rehearsal, mid week so i ought to prep myself for that.
And let's see,
right after thaaaat, well there shouldn't really be any more than that.
There's exams of course, and stuff.
i need to soak my feeties.
- xoxo
charis loves you
9:35 PM
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Thursday, August 09, 2007
i read a couple of old entries from a friend's blog.
i noticed that, reading those posts,
you'd never have guessed that at that time, he had a girlfriend and according to what he said in real life,
loved her more than anything and was at his utmost happiest.
oh wells.
i've got rehearsals tomorrow,
i want to go bathe and relax.
go buy Bird's muffins.
they is belly good!
you know, i have this very strong feeling,
she's selling them so we'll all be like fat and she'll be happy cos she'll be daaaamn skinny.
i'm kidding!
i love you bird(:
- xoxo
charis loves you
11:19 PM
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soo. the pictures for the photoshoot are out.
i look good in five out of six of them(the last one was a fucking candid okay!)
here's the link: check it out babies.
Plus, tomorrow, Sept issue of Teenage magazine should be coming out.
go check that out too.
as great as the pictures on the website look,
i'm upset that they're FREAKING TINY
i swear!
they're really really tiny pictures of me and Rohaida and even pris.
If any of you have a way of like, enlarging pictures,
do me the favour okay?
i don't know how bad/good i look in teenage mag, so on second thought,
maybe you shouldn't go buy it just yet.
go check out the site and buy lots of stuffs okay!(:
the dresses are like reeeeeaaaally preeeeeetty.
and if any of you are free, drop my Plaza Singapura on August the 17th.
right outside (where starbucks is)
is where Fashion Theatre is taking place.
you can squeeze squeeze a bit and catch a glimpse lah.
i've spent like foreverrrr tidying up my room(& i'm done except for two more areas)
so i'm like damn damn happy about that(:
i just absolutely love sitting in my room, hearing calming sounds of waves and dolphins,
smelling my beautiful aromatherapy oils and just relaxing.
i've always loved that and my only problem before was how horrible my room looked.
even when it was tidy, there was still like,
you know, stuff, albeit stacked up, in random piles.
right now though, there aren't(:
yay me!
i just loooove my room.
i sooo fucking love it love it love it.
you can stop the games and pulling of heartstrings any time about now.
i get the pattern;
I walk a step ahead of youbad boys, sad girls
- xoxo
charis loves you
10:28 PM
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Wednesday, August 08, 2007
"Do you feel insecure about your penis size?"nope. i think i'm doing pretty good.
i heart Sound of music(:
rehearsals. toodles
- xoxo
charis loves you
2:24 PM
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Monday, August 06, 2007
I'm sure you've all been wondering what the hell i do with my time since it seems like i rush around a lot.
(actually i don't, i just have twenty four hours to do stuff after stuff after stuff back to back, that's all)
I've been modelling for the BIG is Gorgeous movement!(:
Now i reallyyyy hope Sham doesn't kill me for ruining the suprise but these are only TWO of a whole bunch of daaaamn pretty dresses.

hello Vintage!

ignore the tummy and say, "Hello Diva!"
as you can tell, there are dresses for almost any ocassion.
There's pretty, dresses you can match with huge sunhats and go to the beach in,
dresses you can wear for a Saturday afternoon tea,
dresses, like the golden one(with a super high split on the side) which is totally red-carpet worthy and even dresses which scream
i'm being completely serious. and oooh! i get to wear one of them dresses(:
The brilliant thing is that, all these dresses look tiny!
well, most of them anyway.
i swear, they look like they'll be JUST NICE for someone baby V's size, and yet, i can fit into them.
Plus, i actually look thinner!
Stop the sniggering okay.
The dresses are absolutely gorgeous, and i'll slip the link in when the pictures are all done(:
from what i could tell, i looked pretty good.
And this is precisely the point,
who says you can't be big and beautiful?
In today's society, everyone wants to be a size zero and everyone's sticking their finger down their throat. I've been there too(i won't deny it worked for a while, i lost 10kg that year)
Of course,
especially on saturday being right beside all the damn hot models like nicolette Sylivia and Jaime,
one feels out of place.
like, ohmygawd, i'm really too fat to do this.
i look good but those hot models would look even better in the dress i'm wearing.
Is there a way i can just, not look fat(because all the dresses are sleeveless.)
Then i realized, that the point would be completely missed!
The dresses are sweet on thin girls and just as good on bigger girls.
Who says big isn't gorgeous? Viva la diva i say!
Anyway, all these gorgeous gorgeous dresses are going at $70/75 and the tops are going at $45/50.
They're reeeaally reeeaally worth it, i'm telling you.
Gives you the boost you're so gonna need and i swear, they make you look just as beautiful as the hot girl right beside you.
Skinny girls can get them and yes, big girls can get them too.
Please please pleaaaaase support this because, it's a really good cause and movement.
I'll send you the link when pictures of the clothes are up(:
So yes, this is exactly what i've been doing recently.
The shoot for Teenage magazine as well as for the website(:
On top of that, there've been rehearsals for the upcoming show which is in about two,
actually, no, fuck.
it's next week already.
I'm not singing anymore, no that bit got given to someone else so i could focus on the acting and modelling.
I was upset, i'll admit. because it's like, she got everything even after she stabbed me and him right in the fucking back.
but i figure, i'm better off at the end of it, you know?
i've got something i'm working for.
my joys aren't based on the events and shows that i have to wait to get offered.
no, i go out and get them myself.
So anyway, i'll be acting and modelling.
In case anyone is the least bit interested, i've figured out recently what i'm gonna be doing with my life.
Yes! gasp! charis thinks about what to do with her freaking life! haha.
After O levels, i'm gonna be doing my SATs, learning conversational mandarin and getting a job.
I'm hoping to go to the US for college and i've talked about it with my parents and stuff.
I'm not gunning for a movie-star life, far from it.
In fact, out of theatre singing and film, i like filming the least.
It's weird in that actually, because film is the easiest way to get noticed.
Every other person in the world watches TV/movies but i realized, i'm really really in love with the stage.
Musicals kind of stuff.
So, what i wanna do with my life? I want to do something involving acting.
Even being an acting coach/teacher is great.
I'm addicted to gruelling body work and i want to keep doing that for like, the rest of my life, i swear.
Being famous is exactly NOT what i am looking for, it's about doing lots of theatre stuff simply because i love it.
i like short films too because they can get filmed really fast. and by fast, i mean Ten hours to a few days.
It's not that i don't like filming or being in a movie, if i had the opportunity to,
it's that, i very much prefer theatre.
Not necessarily broadway, but thereabouts(:
there we have it.
soooo no, i'm not planning on going to a JC or poly.
you know, just in case you gave a droplet of shit. haha.
SO i finally wrote in to Straits Times Forum about the incident last year.
Where this horrible old man slapped me and i like yelled at him and stuff.
i don't know if it'll get published but if it does, it'll be pretty darn interesting!
Teenage Magazine, with the list of Teenage Icon Finalists AND the BIG model spread should be out by either next week or the week after.
So do look out for it, even though i look really bad and fat.
I'll be in PL this Wednesday! because my baby sister's getting her award!
i'm sooo happy and proud for her(:
I wrote a really nice song, i think V would reallyyyy like it.
i'm off, but remember,
- xoxo
charis loves you
6:37 PM
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Friday, August 03, 2007
light the fire againI'm still in love with the person i fell in love with,
and i'm only beginning to realize, that,
i don't really know you very much after all.
Lets face it, we all change.
you tell me i'm changing, and i'm realizing,
a little too late, that you are too.
I guess,
what i mean to say is,
I don't know if i'm in love with the right person.
with the person that you've become.
Maybe, at the end of the day it's just me really.
And since you've pointed it out, i'm trying not to keep repeating myself.
This is something i realized as i lay awake at three am, trying to figure out what it is that i'm thinking about, and trying, ever so desperately to understand it.
I realized that, it's not that i don't love you anymore.
Instead, i'm in love with the you that you used to be,
and maybe, you're still in love with the me that i used to be too.
The question now is, and we've got the next ten years to answer it,
do i want to love the person you've become?
and do you, want to love the person that i've become?
and because we won't stay the same forever, do you still want to love me, when i change more than i already have.
whether it's for the better or for the worse.
and do i want to love you, when you change too.
it sounds insanely serious.
like, we have to decide right now.
But we don't.
i'm coming to realize that now.
you're nineteen, and i'm sixteen.
Twenty-one isn't very far away, but even if we ever get back together, i have my doubts that we'll be ready when i'm that age.
We're still teenagers.
I'm still in the middle of it, and you're nearly finishing being a teenager.
we're all growing up, and having friends get married and have kids.
we can't rush anything.
lots of people wanna get married at like, twenty one or twenty four and at thirty they're still waiting.
But that's better than getting married early and getting divorced or feeling that it was the biggest mistake of your life.
i'm fucking sixteen, i shouldn't even be talking about this right now, should i?
Not everyone gets their fairytale ending. and i'm not saying this as i cry and realize i'm not one of those lucky bitches.
i'm saying this as i realize that, i can't make you love me, and i can't make you believe me.
what you said before, it's finally starting to make sense.
that if anything happens, we'll have to start from scratch. love each other all over again.
that's if you want to, and if i want to.
and the greatest thing is that,
we don't have to decide now!
why are we even trying to solve this mind-boggler in our heads anyway,
when we both have lives to live.
at our age, we have shit to worry about.
we shouldn't be talking about the wedding that might or might not happen.
less to think about is good, after all.
It's fun, i'll admit.
it's nice picking out sheets and beds and choosing matching cupboards and desks for the kids.
but we shouldn't worry about it, any of it.
right now, we shouldn't have to think of how we're going to settle into married life.
and whether or not we're meant to be.
because as far we know, we might have been meant to be until i messed up.
but then again, that doesn't really make sense does it?
Perhaps i'll spend the next ten years wondering if you're gonna come after me,
if you're gonna forgive me, and if i really knew you at all.
but it's not for me, or you, to worry about right now.
simply because, we don't have to.
until one of us gets married,
there's a chance of us meeting again and falling in love, all over again.
completely from scratch.
maybe i'll love the new you better than i do now, more than i do now.
maybe you'll love me more, because i've grown up and changed.
or maybe, you'll become this self centered bitch and i'll hate you, and maybe you'll hate me too.
or rather, just, not love. you know
but that's for us to find out.
right now, we change, and we don't have to figure out if we still love each other or not.
Or if we'll still love each other in the future.
we'll just let it happen.
then we wouldn't be holding on to something that happened, way back then.
i know the two and a half years i spent with you was brilliant.
i loved it, every second.
Even when we argued and fought and cried and did stupid things.
It's a learner for me, you know.
i'll never think it was a waste of time, because it wasn't and it never will be.
I don't regret anything i've done with you, and there'll always be a pang of,
i don't know, something a little bittersweet,
when i think of you.
so now, you've changed and you're changing.
i hardly know you anymore, i realize. and somethings about you just,
completely suprise me.
i'll bet you think the same thing about me too.
maybe we'll love each other, when we're at our end product.
maybe we won't.
for all we know, we could get married to different people and when our other halves die and we're like,
80, we meet up and we fall in love all over again.
and maybe that will be how we end up together.
I'll still think we made it, somehow. you know?
so for now,
we dry our eyes.
blow our goodbye kisses and,
we remember how we loved the each other that we knew.
and wonder about, loving the each other we have yet to know.
- xoxo
charis loves you
12:51 PM
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