Friday, August 10, 2007
okay lah.
i'm guessing you guys are all damn lazy to check out the website OR Teenage magazine.
these pictures are the nicer ones(:

in case you're wondering, the slit(on the right) starts at the tip of my fingers.
like zomg.
it's lovely though(:
i always get a lot of spam, and my house mate told me how she loves reading her spam mail because it's so incredibly interesting.
here's one:
Your orgasms will be enhanced to the point of ecstasy, and your stamina and overall sexual health will be greatly increased.
okay, i have brilliant orgasms already.
the show's coming up and we've been rehearsing like fucking crazy.
Just today, we started at one and ended at seven.
like what in the woooorld.
my feeties hurt after tottering around in uber high heels.
and by the way, they don't look very high thanks to my fat feeties):
tomorrow's day starts at nine, more walking about all the way til afternoon.
Sunday is filled up too, as well as next thursday and friday.
they're probably gunning for yet another rehearsal, mid week so i ought to prep myself for that.
And let's see,
right after thaaaat, well there shouldn't really be any more than that.
There's exams of course, and stuff.
i need to soak my feeties.
- xoxo
charis loves you
9:35 PM