Monday, August 13, 2007

follow me into the dark
i've been blogging for about four years already, starting off with a diaryland blog(which i still have) and then, blogspot.
I still blog a lot, i'd say. Whether it's about my everyday life or random opinions which i can't keep to myself.
I think i've got a pretty okay readership. Maybe not as much as Wendy Cheng or even vick. haha. but it's enough i guess.
It's nice when people randomly go like, "yea i read your blog" and i've only known them for like two days.
I've changed my blog!(:
Everyone seems to be complaining about how slow and laggy this thing is anyway.
Keep yourself updated on my new blog, i'll be putting more of an effort to write in more often, and hopefully more than just about boring everyday stuff. haha.
It's a much nicer site, navigations on the site and a bit more than a blog i'd say.
It loads faster, and i'm hoping to use it a wee bit more professionally. haha.
(okay laugh all you want lah)
basically, now, when i'm asked for my website i can actually list a relatively(in my opinion) proper one instead of a blogspot blog.
the link is
please keep on reading and leaving comments and whatnot.
it's much faster so you don't have to be like,
"wah lao. your blog lag my com worxxx"
i like this layout, but i'm gonna change it soon. haha
all my love, hugs and kisses!
- xoxo
charis loves you
7:22 PM