Tuesday, November 28, 2006

of course, it's alright for you to be too busy
either with work or with games
too busy to talk when you're working
too busy to even reply me when you're playing games
of course, i should understand
shouldn't i?
how you managed to play til you were so tired so that
even by the time you called
you were more or less asleep anyway
which kind of defeated the purpose
of course
i should understand
how both sunday & monday night
i was looking forward to being on the phone with you
and i didn't get that
of course, it does come back to me because
after all,
as you say
you said sorry many times
it's my fault, because i'm not forgiving
because the sorrys didn't stop the bleeding i felt inside out
but i should've gotten over it, because you already said sorry
i shouldn't have harped on about it
that's my fault and i'm sorry
"waiting for you to call, when i become a little more than nothing"
a little more than nothing to youbut you called when you finished your game
when you decided i was a little more than nothingit's raining again,
like the world's crying for me
but of course
- xoxo
charis loves you
12:30 PM
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Friday, November 24, 2006
you see,
if it's as special as that
you realize,
actually there aren't any words to describe it at all
- xoxo
charis loves you
2:19 AM
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Monday, November 20, 2006

to start off,
something's been nagging me nonstop, day in day out
how i can go back into files of us shamelessly posing in front of the camera
wide smiles and falsely huge eyes
so many pictures
so many smiles
so many captured happy moments
but then you blog;
you say you're alone and not one person in the world cares about you
you're cold and lonely
no one's around to give you a hug
everyone's too busy
no one has time for you
you say all these, and i doubt they're just words
yet i've always been around,
the best i can, i hope i've always been there
as in when you need me
but i suppose it's never been enough
either that or
i don't know
maybe i just didnt mean enough,
my actions never really meant that much
or helped in any way
i went through all your archives
one by one,
month by month
on a single hand,
you might be able to count all those non depressive posts
the rest would simply be telling the whole world
that no one cares
i wish that i could be there for you
i've always wanted to be there for you
but even if i have, it doesnt really matter
it doesn't
mean anythingi love you becomes a feeble lie spilt from my lips
in the times where you've lost yourself in a dark abyss,
you don't remember how much the people around you care and love you
it hurts,
not just because what i've done before to show i care has been forgotten
and pushed away
but rather,
because when i'm still standing there
real as ever,
standing right beside you
so close that i could touch you,
your back is to me
while you type out that there's no one there for you
there's not a single soul who cares
i don't quite get it,
how when we're upset we record it down
but we don't record it down when we're happy
Charlene once wrote something like that
and she said that she wouldn't like to be cooped up in a room writing about her happiness,
but would rather remember it to write down later
but do we ever get round to doing that?
even if we do write it down it would be something like:
i had fun.
not to the same depth in which we felt it at the actual point in time
now you're simply just,
recording events
of course, if you let yourself settle into how you felt at that moment
you'd say;
i had amaaazing fun, an experience you wouldn't understand unless you experienced yourself
that justifies it a bit more
though many of us use blogs to tell the world how many times we brushed our upper and lower gums
there are those who use it to air their thoughts,
similar to a post like this
sure, of course we blog when we're depressed and stuff
but i guess my point is that,
at least in my case
i like remembering that people do care about me
i always remember that
i go back to my secret snapshots,
those of just the both of us cuddling
or of me falling asleep in your arms on a long bus ride home
those snapshots, though blurry over time, will still be there even after photographs have faded and crumbled at a single touch
those snapshots are the secret of my heart and i can visit them whenever i wish
if you had that too
you might like to go back to that when you feel upset or down
before it spirals into a huge depression
where you feel that no one in the world cares about you
because for what it's worth,
when you say that,
all those people who do love and care about you are simply stabbed in the heart
you're not to be blamed for falling into depression
we all get depressed to such an extent where we feel the world has turned it's back on us
but even when that happens,
i'm still standing right there
i always have been and i always will
it just really depends on what you want
it's up to you if you want to see me there
and let me hold you
- xoxo
charis loves you
11:16 AM
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Sunday, November 19, 2006
there's this most beautiful poem which a friend of mine wrote
it felt like something i'd write
she's in Australia now, i do miss her
i realized our writing styles are kinda similar
except hers of course, are infinitely better
in the rain Writer : Charlene Lim
I want to kiss you
in the rain
I am not content
to have your lips on mine
I want them all over
soft, hard, playful
I want to kiss you
in the rain
To hold you close
as damp presses in
showing skin where there wasn't
increasing our nakedness
I want to kiss you
in the rain
Let it gush down
as our lips melt into each other
sealed by sweet tears from heaven
I want to kiss you
in the rain
will you kiss back
not run away
be the only one
to kiss in the rain
- xoxo
charis loves you
8:02 PM
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Friday, November 17, 2006
the safest place in the worldi've got my life back and i'm crawling into it comfortably
going out this evening with ivan for dinner and a movie
been godknowshowlong since i've been out with friends
we're all busy with life aren't we?
granny and grampy left this morning ):
i'll have to get ready to go out again soon soon soooon
the new place has been pretty good i suppose
i can't wait to move in
i'll get my own tv and vcd player
gee, what more can i ask for.
i need vicky to slob around on my queen sized bed with me and mess it up with chocolate sauce and popcorn
and all i want is your happiness
all i need is that
the safest place in the world is in your arms
- xoxo
charis loves you
3:23 PM
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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

and i'm glad that i can make you smile when you see me
but when i walk away i have to cry
because seeing you makes me wonder when i will next get to
knowing you're so close
but then you're so far
all that's in between us,
a metal gate
you're so close i could touch you
but i don't want to
because i know i'll want to hold on
i won't want to let go
i never have
- xoxo
charis loves you
2:49 PM
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Saturday, November 11, 2006

for not being good enough
for not being able to let you feel that i do care
for not being there with you
right now
lookie look charis, looks like you've just failed again
- xoxo
charis loves you
3:38 PM
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i really don't believe this
how could you say
that i don't care?
when really,
that's all i've ever done
i'm sorry that you've fallen ill
and i'm sorry you feel the way you do
but you're the one who kept excusing me and saying goodbye so that you'd hang up
go ahead,
say i don't care
i'm just sorry you didn't know
- xoxo
charis loves you
3:21 PM
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she floats above the cypress trees
the sky is hers to roam
she breathes the air without the tears
and touched clouds, like foam
she dances near the sun and yet
she doesn't feel too warm
she falls upon the fluffy clouds
which has become her life's norm
She's flying higher, higher now
she's swooping after birds
She's falling faster, faster as
she hears young laughing girls
The magic's gone, there's no more spell
tears are slipping from her eyes
she's grasping, onto anything
she's falling through her skies
She's bleeding out, the world can see
her dark reality
even in her dreams she could
never set herself free
- xoxo
charis loves you
2:35 AM
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thinking about it
and constantly saying it out loud
i suppose it's just me
i'm being unreasonable aren't i?
it's just that,
who is she and what connection is that at all?
why was she even invited in the first place
but of course,
if it had been me instead of her
his problems wouldn't have been aired and talked about
she meets all your friends
so what difference is there between me and her?
go ahead
call it fucking jealousy
we know what my problem was tonight
i expressed it clearly from the start
but as always,
i just have to accept it in the end
nothing will change just because i don't agree with it
on the other hand,
when my friend hits depression and wants to go for a walk
i assure you and keep my promises
of being back early
and my friend, she respects you and encourages me not to worry you
that's the difference
you dont have to ask if you don't understand
but this is not something i'll say again
i had my sister to talk to about this incident
but with what was going on with my father?
there wasn't anyone i could talk to
the person i usually talk to was busy
and i wouldn't want to bother him with my life after all
i spent my time cheering my mother up
who suffered greatly from quite a few things
my little sister and friend watching a movie outside made it impossible for me to cry myself to sleep
but i couldn't find the tears anyway
after a while,
i realized
i didn't have the space nor the energy to be angry
and as my tears escaped and my screams remained silent,
i'm telling myself that i will get over it
because i know i will
i wrote you a poem today
but i'm looking at it now
i'm throwing it away
because it's full of childishness,
it's full of blank pointlessness
it's filled with the love i had to saystill,
at this moment,
you're playing computer games
i'm online, an extreme rarity
but guess what?
i'll be off before you realize i came on
you don't have to ask
i'm getting over it
and i'm sorry for being unreasonable
- xoxo
charis loves you
2:15 AM
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Thursday, November 09, 2006

i should be more understanding i suppose,
after all,
you were busy and had plans
but i insisted you come with to see something i deemed
wonderfully wonderful
i thought it'd help you with the work you had to do
but of course,
in the end it didn't
me and my bright ideas
so i was left to walk back in the rain,
wait outside for ages before the door opened
sitting there cold and wet
it's not that i'm upset
and after all,
you have made me so happy
and that makes up for everything else
i still smile when i go back to that perfect picture i keep in my head
but for once in a long while
i'll cry for us
because it hurt
it hurt, and it hurts
but just a little,
i promise
we'll go back to our perfect picture
it's a one off
which i know you'll kiss away
and i'll be happy again
i'm sorry,
i really am
i don't know why this hurt
but somehow it did,
i don't know how
mainly, it was your words
- xoxo
charis loves you
6:29 PM
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Friday, November 03, 2006

that's my baby, akira.
he's kinda uncontactable.
but i've been uncontactable, pretty much
not that many people wanna contact me that is
so i've screwed up,
and i'd like to tell the world about it.
i've been writing a lot.
hour after hour after hour
penning down my thoughts or coming up with random stuff
for those of you who didn't know
or wondered how it was possible that i seemed to have disappeared,
i've moved house
so yea.
that's why i've been busy
that's why when you call my home phone the phone operator says you're a nuthead
i'd really like to tell you more about my screwed up life
i'm a bit lazy
allow me to rant
well actually my purpose was you know
to let the world know that i'm not dead yet
i'm hitting depression and i've been crying every day since monday
of course,
it's topped off with my period coming soon
other than crying suddenly at random moments for no apparent reason,
i'm fine(:
my beautiful constantyou lied to me
- xoxo
charis loves you
3:31 PM
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