Friday, November 03, 2006

that's my baby, akira.
he's kinda uncontactable.
but i've been uncontactable, pretty much
not that many people wanna contact me that is
so i've screwed up,
and i'd like to tell the world about it.
i've been writing a lot.
hour after hour after hour
penning down my thoughts or coming up with random stuff
for those of you who didn't know
or wondered how it was possible that i seemed to have disappeared,
i've moved house
so yea.
that's why i've been busy
that's why when you call my home phone the phone operator says you're a nuthead
i'd really like to tell you more about my screwed up life
i'm a bit lazy
allow me to rant
well actually my purpose was you know
to let the world know that i'm not dead yet
i'm hitting depression and i've been crying every day since monday
of course,
it's topped off with my period coming soon
other than crying suddenly at random moments for no apparent reason,
i'm fine(:
my beautiful constantyou lied to me
- xoxo
charis loves you
3:31 PM