Saturday, November 11, 2006

thinking about it
and constantly saying it out loud
i suppose it's just me
i'm being unreasonable aren't i?
it's just that,
who is she and what connection is that at all?
why was she even invited in the first place
but of course,
if it had been me instead of her
his problems wouldn't have been aired and talked about
she meets all your friends
so what difference is there between me and her?
go ahead
call it fucking jealousy
we know what my problem was tonight
i expressed it clearly from the start
but as always,
i just have to accept it in the end
nothing will change just because i don't agree with it
on the other hand,
when my friend hits depression and wants to go for a walk
i assure you and keep my promises
of being back early
and my friend, she respects you and encourages me not to worry you
that's the difference
you dont have to ask if you don't understand
but this is not something i'll say again
i had my sister to talk to about this incident
but with what was going on with my father?
there wasn't anyone i could talk to
the person i usually talk to was busy
and i wouldn't want to bother him with my life after all
i spent my time cheering my mother up
who suffered greatly from quite a few things
my little sister and friend watching a movie outside made it impossible for me to cry myself to sleep
but i couldn't find the tears anyway
after a while,
i realized
i didn't have the space nor the energy to be angry
and as my tears escaped and my screams remained silent,
i'm telling myself that i will get over it
because i know i will
i wrote you a poem today
but i'm looking at it now
i'm throwing it away
because it's full of childishness,
it's full of blank pointlessness
it's filled with the love i had to saystill,
at this moment,
you're playing computer games
i'm online, an extreme rarity
but guess what?
i'll be off before you realize i came on
you don't have to ask
i'm getting over it
and i'm sorry for being unreasonable
- xoxo
charis loves you
2:15 AM