Thursday, November 09, 2006

i should be more understanding i suppose,
after all,
you were busy and had plans
but i insisted you come with to see something i deemed
wonderfully wonderful
i thought it'd help you with the work you had to do
but of course,
in the end it didn't
me and my bright ideas
so i was left to walk back in the rain,
wait outside for ages before the door opened
sitting there cold and wet
it's not that i'm upset
and after all,
you have made me so happy
and that makes up for everything else
i still smile when i go back to that perfect picture i keep in my head
but for once in a long while
i'll cry for us
because it hurt
it hurt, and it hurts
but just a little,
i promise
we'll go back to our perfect picture
it's a one off
which i know you'll kiss away
and i'll be happy again
i'm sorry,
i really am
i don't know why this hurt
but somehow it did,
i don't know how
mainly, it was your words
- xoxo
charis loves you
6:29 PM