Sunday, May 14, 2006

"...i'm disposable to you, like a piece of tissue you blow your nose on"
Carrie, auditions
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAYlovely mother's day dinner
after a simple lunch and everything
went off in the afternoon to do this acting website shiat.
whatever whatever
back to school tomorrow,
starting to become a chore again because of mrs B and kok
"they just sit around all day piercing each other" - me
"yea,in more ways than one" - mom
"huh? whaaat?" - janice
"sorry, inside joke" - me
more guffaws
"no pun intended!" - me
oh whatever
snap my sex band babydisposable,like a piece of tissuebecause i don't want to be so needy.
and yet,
deep inside i know i am.
i am needy,
and it scares me
i don't want to need you so much
because it's so,
i'm not sure,
one sided.
in some ways
i'm changing i guess,
just a little in that way.
allowing myself to become someone so much less needy,
so much less needy of you
tears that freeze upon my cold cold heart
- xoxo
charis loves you
10:45 PM