Monday, December 31, 2007
Half past mindnight and she has to be up in what, six hours?Sighs, wraps up the too-long blog post she has found herself typing. Even though, instead of blogging, there're a gazillion other things she could be wasting her life on.
The alarm goes off just after seven.A sharp clanging of tiny metal upon slightly larger metal. Back and forth at a speed so fast that, should you slip your finger into the space whilst clambering -eyes barely open- to switch off the bomb from hell, you would feel a sudden sting as the tiny metal whacks against your finger.Mumbles to herself, giving herself just five more minutes, and falls back asleep. However, as it always is, five minutes asleep is forty minutes in real life. She brings herself to a sitting position, legs swung over the side of her bed. Scratches her leg, even though it's not itchy.Then she curls up in the opposite direction, dozing off for just a minute or two more, before suddenly jumping up and dragging herself to the toilet.
She grunts incoherently at her mom and, after changing and getting annoyed at herself for being later than planned, she leaves the house.Class starts at half past nine, requiring her to be there at about nine or quarter past. Meaning, she has to be out of the house by eight, or thereabouts.
Relatively woken up by now, she makes her way, sharp heels clicking against concrete pavement, towards the bus stop. She's never needed morning cigarettes. In fact, hates the taste in her mouth after having her teeth brushed clean.So she adjusts her bag while waiting impatiently for the bus, watching miserable sods patting their pockets for their crummy cigarette packs.
The bus is terribly crowded, like a box packed with too many socks and spilling over. But though she never runs for her buses or trains or across the road while Green Men flash incessantly, she hates waiting for buses and ending up late. So she forces herself onto the steps, barely mantaining her already off set balance on heels, and defiantly taps her card so that she'll have to be kept on board.At the station she keeps an eye out for her ex. Not that she's avoiding him, it just amazes her that considering how small Singapore is, they have never run into each other at his station - unplanned.
Music blocking out the sighs and grumbles of other office people, she hurries to her work building. Follows the signs and has an eye on the uneven floor, fearing she could trip and fall at anytime. Absolute bliss, upon arrival at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf (second best next to Starbucks). Flashes a smile at the lady behind the counter and asks for the Christmas holiday special; A large Peppermint Latte, made with Mocha instead of Vanilla (ugh), to go. Hands over her Coffee Bean card (oh what a loyal customer!) and grabs a Wall Street Journal while waiting patiently for her drink.
The building has about eight elevators due to the many levels in the building (up to thirty if i'm not wrong). It's one of those building where the first couple of floors are for shops and boutiques (first floor having lots of food of course), the middle chunk of the building being for offices, and the top part of the building being for apartments.She squeezes into the lift, presses her floor and stares at her reflection on the elevator doors, secretly sneaking peaks at other people and how they're dressed too. Sips her wonderful, heaven-sent latte and waits, as the lift lets people off at different floors. Gets off at her level, and walks into the office, saying her Hellos and Good Mornings. Meets a friend/colleague, depending on the time and place, smiles, chats and catches up a wee bit.
Class proves a tad bit more difficult today, but she makes it through the two hours, comes out alive although a bit brain dead.Hurries off to meet a friend for lunch, during which they chat and laugh and giggle. True girl time of course, which is a breath of fresh air. They wander aimlessly for a bit, one not quite wanting to go back to the work, and the other, too tired to care. She wanders into a store, Watsons, to be exact, buys things she could actually do without but, would rather not do without.
She heads home after a while, feet aching, head ringing and tired, though only half the day has passed. Does a load of laundry and types out bullshit on her blog, seriously wanting to bathe and go to bed before heading out for the evening with her family.
The wonderful thing, is that, this is just one random day in her life. If you pick another random day, it is guranteed to be quite different. And this is what she likes. In fact, this is what she loves. So that she will never again, if she can help it, just be unwinding more string from the very same ball of yarn.
- xoxo
charis loves you
5:58 PM