Friday, July 13, 2007

fucking spaz.
i'm sorry i havn't been updating because i've been like, busy with,
life in general.
Michelle's leaving next tuesday and i've only gotten to spend one night with her.
a night that had us both fucking drunk, high and throwing up all over the place,
but still.
it's not quite enough):
so yes, i suppose i will tell my grandchildren one day, that,
the day before her O level orals, a few days before her major competition and
the day after having a fever,
i was like partying and getting so pissed that everything was incredibly funny.
that aside, my legs are like fucking aching.
it feels like
no, i won't tell you what it feels like. haha.
cheeky's = hoooooome(:
sooo apparently, july eleventh came and went without releasing august's Teenage.
i have details my darlings! and it's all about the details(:
This Saturdaythe Semi - Finalist showcase. so you'll kinda get to know us, see us parade around aaand,you can start voting! yay you!this will be from 1pm-6pmwe'll be asked questions onstage and basically,
this is to promote the next day's event.

i know i dont look bril, shut up.
Sunday, July fifteenth 2007
Semi finals for Teenage Icon
12pm - 9pm
Level one Atrium, right outside CarreFour
i'm not sure exactly when the singing is gonna start,
and i'll probably only find out on saturday.
so i promise i'll blog then.
meanwhile, spread the word
my neck hurts):
will someone be a darling and give me a massage?
i'm fucking tired, i need my bed like soooo badly right now.
ihateher ihateher i.hate.her
well, it's like two different hers i was thinking about.
one, who just like,
turned out to not be so nice and basically,
the bitch that everyone else has said she is.
and the other,
oh i don't know.
i've never liked her, really.
i hate this.
why do i feel so crummy.
i hate feeling like this. i hate it so much.
now, we all know there must me some sort of reason that makes you wanna go like all drunk and high and cast everything into the bin which you'll be leaning over and puking into.
it isn't terribly hidden, is it?
i can't get over him
and it's not like i want to right now either.
can you make a wish at like 1:11am?
my nose is blocked and i can't talk anymore,
i've just been fucking croaking.
come save me? -weak smile-
okay, now for Charis' wise words of the day!
Children are like Tattoos.
you look better with them, you can't get rid of them
and the process isn't painful, it's just funnnnnn
okay, shutting up.
ps! i looooooooooved last night even though i had the mother of all hangovers this morning. update you on THAT another time(:
- xoxo
charis loves you
12:30 AM