Tuesday, July 24, 2007
I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanketBut I've got to get a move on with my lifeIts time to be a big girl nowAnd big girls don't cryDo they now?
i've finally gotten rid of that
which i've been stuck using and have had ENDLESS amount of flak for.
"oooh. someone's all emooooo"
so yes, the breakup has, even til now, brought lots of tears and sleepless nights,
but i don't see him going all emo and having a
"diary of my broken heartxZxxZ" thing going on.
which, in turn, has reflected what a childish emo bitch i am.
shut up.
i just absolutely loooove my new layout.
i love it i love it i loooove it.
just what i was looking for too. kind of.
my temperature's down and mommy and i are talking again.
i guess, i really have to learn to see things from her point of view.
my twin was sucha aaaaabsoluuuute daaaaarling!
she came over and we just chatted over Earl Grey Tea and honey butter cookies.
(i really wanted shortbread, she didn't get any. then i realized we had some all along. fuck it)
my pictures are gonna look better now.
not so freaking dull and all.
i ought to stop topic-jumping.
Fergie's Big Girls Don't Cry makes me wanna cry.
i need to studyyy
- xoxo
charis loves you
11:34 PM