Monday, July 09, 2007
it's incredibly strange,
how, even after i blogged out my frustrations, i went on to post pictures up.
somehow, strangely, i had gotten over the whole episode extremely fast.
but that wasn't anything out of the ordinary, really.
now, probably after reading my blog and all,
you've told me that we shouldn't talk.
we shouldn't be talking because it doesn't feel right.
everytime i make a decision to stop communication,
usually just for a while,
it is never respected.
i've given up and given in.
allowing myself, ourselves, as much communication as we'd like.
it's not necessarily the best thing to do,
but who can deny how terribly crazy we are about each other?
and then, now it's come to this point. again.
over some incredibly silly minute thing, and my reaction to it,
you've decided we shouldn't talk anymore.
right. that makes so much sense.
and everything that's happened this weekend...
god i'm not even gonna go there.
just when i think that i've managed to come to a point where i stop crying everyday.
perhaps that's never actually possible.
fuck i don't know.
i hate myself so fucking much right now.
i hate everything that's happened.
and i fucking wanna fucking curl up and fucking die
- xoxo
charis loves you
4:48 PM