Saturday, July 28, 2007
This is an amazing book, so go read it(:
i've had a bit on my mind, and no one to talk to about it.
At the same time, i'm not intent on blogging about it for the whole world.
oh well, i shouldn't even have talked about it then should i?
Weekends back here,
and i want to find a nice quaint little place where i can enjoy countless cups of tea and do a bit of math.
the tea would be immensely relaxing, just nice for something as horribly taxing as math.
I'd like to find a nice clean new book to settle down with in my very much enjoyed
preferably a book that's bought(and worth buying) rather than a library book or i'll just have to worry about returning it on time.
Unfortunately, i don't seem to have a book i'm intent on buying.
Of course everyone is deep into their final book about the
oh-so-interesting adventures of Hairy Potty.
haha. pleeeeease don't get offended, i know it's interesting, but just not to me.
haha. so please,
don't mind me really.
I think one thing good about Hairy Potty is that,
it's made a lot of people who don't usually read, settle down and read.
AND it's good english unlike comparitively shoddy local-written stuff.
I thought i was well past being in loooove with celebrities butbutBUT
Milo V-somethingoranother is SOOO HOOOT.
like, omfg orgasm on the spot hot.
at least in Fergie's video for Big Girls Don't Cry.
I'm in love with the Ellen Degenerous show.
she's freaking hilarious.
Yes i've noticed, that i do spend more time on the computer and watching television, but at the same time,
i also spend more time studying.
It's Katrina Calingo's party tomorrow(she's uber uber pretty!)
i'll post pictures up if i can.
apparently Ernie didn't reply her so she doesn't know if ernie will be there.
I'm still having the sniffles, and phlegm which solves eaily everytime i clear my throat.
voice back, i can sing(:
yay me.
O levels are uncomfortably close, and i really should be studying a lot more than i am.
even though it's amazing that i'm even studying at all.
I'm hooked onto this game called Fowl Words(:
it's really good for english in some ways.
tell me when you stop loving me okay?
cos i think you might. eventually
- xoxo
charis loves you
2:48 PM