Friday, June 29, 2007
me like this peeektoore!
yes, apparently it's National Sibling Day but only in like twenty-something states.
so anyway, i had a greeeaaat time yesterday.
it was gorgeously fun and i didn't even get drunk!
whoo hoo.
my body is aching and i'm planning on changing my hair again.
like you know, having "undyed" hair and removing my extentions.
surprisingly, it's kinda hard looking after your hair when you've got extentions in them.
i've never had them in for this long, and i've barely hit a month with my hair extentions.
i just really like them cos they feel real and they're like, pink and purple.
excess washing is taking its effect though.
i read my buu's blog, especially the bit about O's and stuff.
i don't think i've told anyone but,
as much as it doesn't seem it,
i'm just as scared.
sure, i don't have much to worry about in comparison to all my friends in PL.
i'll admit, quite readily, that i am scared.
of course, i believe very strongly that one does not need a piece of paper to determine where you're going.
the rest of your life, your entire future should not be hinged on your O level certificate.
because as you continue on studying,
you'll find that the "your future" line is attached to every other exam.
the next big-assed exam will be your A levels or something.
or you'll be trying to get more certificates, more papers which state that you've got a degree or something.
the reason i want to do well for my O levels is so that i can get over it and move on.
It's so that i can say I've done it, and not just for the sake of doing it or because i had to.
It's because i actually want to.
yea, believe it.
i do actually want to do my O levels and do well.
thinking about the upcoming O levels gets my palms sweaty and i swear my eyeballs start rolling backwards and i'm about
this close to going into convulsions.
i woke up the other day wondering if it was a mistake to leave PL.
it's the enforced discipline i guess,
the excess work and lessons they give us which basically leave you with little time to yourself, but you have time to yourself at the end of the day.
my school on the other hand,
requires a lot of self-study.
there's so much free time that you don't know what is deserved and what is underserved.
it's up to oneself to study, and study hard.
there's pros and cons on both sides i guess
it's just scary,
knowing that O levels is exactly three months and three weeks away.
on top of that (i know i got myself into this, okay)
i've got Teenage Icon tomorrow,
and if i make it to semis, it's another performance in august.
there's also a reunion Skins shizzshazz which i can't wait to do.
it's also in august.
typing all this out and being truly realistic with myself,
i know i'm gonna have to study harder, a lot harder.
just so that i can afford to take time off for my rehearsals and whatnot.
oh gawd. i'm getting stupider!
me,sitting beside tv: hey this song is nice!
me: the guy looks familiar, who is it?
janice, narrowing eyes: Bon Jovi
yea, okayyyy
i guess i should get off the com and do something constructive.
my body's aching like a bitch
- xoxo
charis loves you
1:43 PM