Sunday, June 24, 2007

i've been meaning to post for like, freaking ages.
caught up with just, so much to say and never getting round to it.
mommy and i have kissed and made up.
dawn got me thinking you know,
like what my advice would be to someone of my age, in my situation.
gosh, i've been terribly lazy of recent.
i was horribly tired last night, after three hour tuition.
mm, indeeeed.
my essay writing, plot wise, seems to be going down the drain.
or rather
all i seem to bring to mind at my fingertips,
is something regarding my dreamed up future family life.
terribly boring to write about after a while.
okay, who am i kidding, it's not boring to write but i get self-conscious.
i love how domesticated i become when i'm left alone for like,
long periods like this.
it's strange, really.
i look out the window and see how sunny it is,
but while most people my age would talk about swimming or what a bitch the weather's being,
i say:
no, seriously.
just today, i've done two loads of laundry. they're incredibly overdue, i must admit.
one load was a set of bedsheets which i took off my bed like
a couple of months ago.
that sounds gross but i've been procrastinating simply because it's not just about washing the load,
it's about having space to hang it up and of course,
if Mr Sun is having a good hair day.
and for everyone else who think that laundry is easy,
yes it is.
but imagine being your mother and doing it every single day.
now that's, not easy.
especially because with good sun, laundry needs two day outside for it not to smell bad,
and without sun, a couple more days would be better to keep them from smelling like you use a garbage can for your wardrobe.
i really need to shut up about laundry.
i'm off to watch shrek 3 todayyy.
actually i'm kinda late already.
i'll update more tonight, or tomorrow morning.
because nights are usually left for family com-time.
and i'm lazy too.
toodles for now(:
- xoxo
charis loves you
11:07 PM