Wednesday, June 27, 2007 to this link,
it shows the full length video of a finding of some sort of alien baby.
it was taken a couple of years back.
it's the saddest shit ever.
okay, perhaps i'm getting worked up over nothing.
all the comments i read on this video seemed adamant on believing that this was just some shit cooked up using special effects.
but if you notice there's hardly any special effect shit going on there.
other comments claim you can get that toy alien and lay it in the dumpster,
yet another claims it's too small in size to be real and the founders of this alien don't behave like they've found an alien.
would it make it more real if they were like exclaiming and stuff?
if you put yourself in that time zone, you'd realize(if you were them)
that you'd probably freak out,
and then whip out your camera phone to take videos and pictures.
by the time you do that, the initial shock would probably have passed.
someone mentioned it could be a toy, and another says it's too small to be real.
if you look closely, there's a whole mess of stuff around it though it's not clear what it is,
they were referred to as icecubes.
when the camera zooms out, you'll see more of the dumpster and its contents.
and you'll realize that alien thing is really tiny.
smaller than one's hand.
in my opinion,
if it were a toy, why would it be that small?
no, i didn't see the end of a keychain sticking out of it's head.
if it were a toy, it wouldn't really be that small.
and right on tape,
you'll notice(about the same time as they do),
the showing of teeth.
toys don't have teeth and furthermore, toys don't open their mouths to bare their teeth at you.
the only thing that's unbelieveable,
is how the alien baby looks a hell lot like cartoon aliens.
its eyes aren't black but you know, just the shape and stuff.
actually, it was just the head that looked like what we see on television.
it didn't have hands, as you will see.
just about four tentacle-like thingies.
So yea,
i am quite inclined to believe that this video is real.
call me gullible and a bimbo,
but i've laid out my reasons for thinking so.
and it's felt a hell lot like social studies.
i got incredibly annoyed at thos comments which were immediately like
that kinda bullshit just annoyed me.
they seemed such knowitalls.
and perhaps, if in reality, this video was just some ass's idea of a joke,
they're right and i'm stupid.
it's the comments and the disbelief that probably caused other commenters to think,
"okay, i don't wanna look stupid and gullible"
so they go
this is an extremely sad video which reflects horrible on the human race actually.
these people, the finders of this alien, took the time to video the thing, zoom in zoom out,
take pictures(as you'll see in the video)
and yell to each other to send them the pictures.
one talks about the money they'll get for this.
they laugh, they jostle and you can tell it's a cold night out
and they take videos and pictures of this baby that's bare-skinned and lying next to a couple of ice cubes!
no one makes any attempt to pick the baby up,
call me stupid,
but i'm thinking along the lines of my decision that the alien is real.
It could've been a real alien on the planet,
or perhaps a baby that was given birth to by a human and dumped because it was just this,
this obviously inhuman thing.
whatever it is,
the first thing i would do is reach into the dumpster, take the baby out and wrap it up.
i could've cried watching the video.
they snapped photos, laughed saying "shit".
and they talked about the money they'd get for the video.
all i'm thinking about is,
what if that baby is cold. from their thick jackets you can tell it's cold so even without those damn icecubes around the baby,
it might be freezing.
maybe if it was an alien it needs to be kept cold.
or something.
geez i really don't know.
but my first instinct would be to pick the baby up and keep it warm.
have they no heart?
whether or not it's human, it's a baby.
it's a small creature left helpless in the dumpster.
and all you do is take pictures?
yes, i was really upset about this.
if this is real,
i'm wondering where the body is now.
it's probably dead given the lapse of time it took for those dimwits to pick it up,
if they even did that at all.
my guess, from the sound of it,
they just left the baby to die keeping with them their video of a souvenier.
as of right now, nearly two years on, this alien baby is either dead or being worked on by scientists.
i hate people who conduct experiments on creatures they don't know.
okayokay, i digress.
the video is sad, go watch it.
i shall continue about my intense loathing of people who conduct experiments on unknown creatures.
they draw blood,
poke it around and try to find out it's living conditions.
extreme exaggeration here, i know,
but what do they do to find out how it survives?
stick it in a freezer and if it dies,
"oh. guess it doesn't live in the cold"
you know how the japanese conducted experiments on the singaporeans?
it kinda feels like that.
enough about alien babies.
go watch the video already.
Labels: alien, humans
- xoxo
charis loves you
11:08 AM