Friday, May 18, 2007

it's so hard to get over this,
this whole mess
it's so hard to wrap my brain round it.
and it's so terribly hard to stop asking why.
why now, after two and a half years?
what made you give up?
and i'm sure my questions are annoying the hell out of you.
but i can't help it.
you can't tell me that we won't work out now
i've tried that on you before and you,
you just threw it back at me.
i'm not ready, and i doubt i ever will be,
to just go out with you or be on the phone without once,
trying,trying again and asking.
for someone who is a terrible commitment phobe,
i got passed that,
guided or shoved, i got past it with you
and because of you.
as much as i feel the same way too,
i don't know.
maybe it's two and a half years of you convincing me how stupid and childish i was being
by insisting that it won't work out now.
two and a half years of you telling me that if we're not gonna work through this now,
we probably won't work out even if we tried again later on.
i thought i had managed to get to a point where i could think clearly.
where i could sit down and finally ask you,
what is it that you want.
do you want me to wait for you?
do you want me, the both of us to move on and see where we end up?
but i know i was wrong.
i havn't gotten to that point yet,
and i don't know if i ever will.
the end to my torment seems so far out of sight and helplessly,
i'm crawling around trying to find my way out of this tunnel you've left me in.
bit by bit, i've tried, best as i can to begin to let go of you.
i've slowly deleted your texts.
one of the two remaining says:
"i loved you for the past two years. i have.
so so much.
and i've promised i'll love you til the end of time.
through ups and downs i know i'll still love you because i'm yours forever.
Happy new year babe. wholely yours infinite ever."
do you know what i think?
i think i was a fool.
i've never been one to promise forever and ever,
i never thought it possible.
but you made me get around that.
and finally, i managed it.
i managed to believe in us enough to look you in the eye and say,
i'll be yours forever and i won't leave you.
when we passed our official 364th day, i decided that.
i had grown and changed and no more would i throw around carelessly
the "let's just forget it" line.
no more.
so here we are, aren't we? again?
"not right now"
but the fact of the matter is,
soon i won't ask my questions and later won't come.
i'll grow and even though i think i can't right now,
i will.
and then it'll just be a point in my life which i'll look back on and tear,
but just a little.
you, me, us, him, we.
and everything's that's ever happened,
everything that we've ever gone through and experienced.
all the shit from both sides of our family.
it will all be memories and tears and dust,
bottled and boxed up and put up on a shelf.
your name will always be tattooed on my ankle,
your smell embedded in my skin,
and your kiss, always lingering on the edge of my lips.
your face, your smile an engraved portrait on my heart,
the tattered canvas.
i need a while to myself so,
i'm gonna stop blogging here.
and just,
pretty much keep to myself and lick my wounds.
i'll be okay.
i'll be okay
- xoxo
charis loves you
5:40 PM