Friday, May 11, 2007
it's been a while now,
and i'm stopping the addictive feeling of curling up and crying.
i can't anymore, you know.
it's like i ran out of tears.
but i'm trying to stop drowing myself in godknowshowmany glasses of drink a day, and i've even found myself strong enough to toss out my cigarette when i wasn't done.
it's not easy
but i can't be so terribly dependent on people to hear me cry.
especially with everyone's mid years and what nots.
i'm stronger now.
though it doesn't mean you're not the last person i think about before i go to sleep,
or the person i whisper goodnight to.
i found myself quite unable to go back to sleep after i got up at 9am.
my brain's still quite tired and i feel like going jogging.
i seriously have been trying to change my disgusting sleeping habits.
since before i started private school, i was sleeping an average of about 12 hours a day.
you read those numbers correctly.
disgusting eh?
not to mention rather disturbing.
even for me
but recently it's been better,
though a slow progression.
this is the earliest i've woken up in ages.
more than that,
is that i stayed up til half past 1 in the morning tidying up my room.
yes, OMFG!
charis tidies up her room!
i admit, i'm horribly lazy so i tend to leave things around and they sort of accumulate.
kind of like my homework.
soon i have piles of godknowswhat lying around my room
and dozens of dustbunnies who were born just to join in the party on my floor and in the dark corners under my bed and stuff.
plus, because i have long hair, or used to, now it's half long hair,
i've got an uncontrolled hairfall amount.
so there's always hair all over the place.
last night i swept the floor.
and you know,
one thing led to another
(and my broom makes sweeping rather addictive,
it's not really a broom. more like those magic clean things?)
so one thing led to another and pretty soon i was moving stuff out of the way,
so i wouldn't be doing a slapdash job.
and of course,
when you move things out of the way, you don't shove them back into place messily.
so rearranging stuff near my bed, under the table made that part of my room look
much bigger.
not to mention nicer-looking.
so i proceeded to do the same with the messier part of my room.
i've been planning this massive cleanup for months on end, really.
it's just that, at one shot, it's a huge mess to cleanup.
so what happens is that my room is always left to rot until i can't stand it anymore.
my room is now gorgeously gorgeous!
and i am so so soooo happy.
lots of laundry to do now though, thank God it's not raining.
i do wonder what'll happen today,
because i have this feeling, that i shouldn't be too estatic about anything.
and that just as it could be a beautiful thing, it might just as well be a painfully horrible thing.
we'll see
bounce bounce, bounce bounce back
- xoxo
charis loves you
9:33 AM