Tuesday, April 03, 2007
i absolutely cannot,
and i do repeat, cannot stand people who say
"aiya, don't stress about O's LAH. i've
been there done thatokay, so it wasn't said to me.
but it still fills me with such extreme annoyance that drives me to the point of ripping out their tiny head and stuffing it up their arse.
O level year is a crucial time for everybody.
everyone knows that prelims(at least in PL) are set doubly hard for everyone,
but it doesn't mean we should study less.
it doesn't make us smart that, because everyone says so,
we know O levels is nothing once we've got it over and done with.
the point is the here and now.
now, we will go through this hard, tough time leading to O levels
and we will not regret
we wouldn't in a million years, ever regret studying too hard for O levels,
what we would regret for sure, is not studying hard enough.
so you know what?
don't be a fucking smart alec telling O level takers that it's a piece of cake,
you didn't think so when you were going through that,
and that's probably the only reason why you had decent grades.
i don't mind if people go;
"trust me, it isn't half as bad as they say it is. BUT study hard"
what i cannot stand is people who go
"oh it's nothing"
or worse still,
"aiyah, do badly for o levels, it's okay"
people like that ought to stick their heads in a toilet bowl and flush repeatedly three times.
there was a teacher i had once,
she was waiting for her A level results before she went to uni.
i was secondary three and we started freaking out about our O's in less than two years
DO YOU KNOW WHAT SHE SAID?!"Oh trust me, trust me! O levels is nothing okay, absolutely nothing! once you get to A levels, now that's when you start worrying and mugging like crazy. you will have no life. but O levels is nothing"
a year on, now, i think she should die, no.
i'm sure once we're hitting A levels,
she, having experienced the stress of uni would say
"oh trust me, O and now, A levels is nothing! when you get to uni..."
do you see what i mean?
does anyone get what i'm badgering on about?
of course, when you've pulled through something difficult, you'd look back and laugh.
but without a doubt, it was hard and will be for those who have yet to pull through it.
so keep your fucking trap shut.
thanks for listening to my raaaaaaaaants.
- xoxo
charis loves you
1:48 AM