Tuesday, April 17, 2007

too hot too hot too hot
so yes, if you're about to ask, so far it has been sort of a day wasted.
well, until tonight anyway.
English is coming along great. i really need to change my very monotonous sentence structures.
most of my sentences start with a subject or a verb.
i'll highlight that, and change that to make my essays more interesting.
Dawn's a good english teacher. government schools need teachers like her.
so there's this mom who's blog i chanced upon.
she's got three ex husbands, one ex wife, two kids, two cats, two fish, a dog and a boyfriend.
This boyfriend was married with a five year old.
no, i won't say anything.
so this is me, not saying anything.
coming from a family where daddy doesn't live in the same house
(no you dopes! just because divorce is common doesn't mean it's fucking okayy!)
i mean, okay, so she's got a good relationship with her kids' father,
but please!
so what if you know his wife can never have sex with him and give him pleasure the way you do?
so what if we all(even i, as a reader) hate her, the superwoman because she really is such a horrid selfish brat?
so what?
the point is, do we really need any more broken families?
and you're freaking having sex with this guy, two minutes after you've tucked your children in
as well as right after cell group.
i am not holy moley. i do wrong things too.
i'm as human as the rest of the world.
we cheat, get addicted to sex(or something like that)
and hurt the people we love the most.
i've hurt mommy, i've hurt alastair, i've hurt my baby sister!
but one thing i don't do,
is go to cell group, talk about going to church, play a good mommy and call myself a cockwhore.
i don't know how mothers could do that really.
i mean,
i'd just DIE if i saw my mother's naked pictures all over a blog she would probably keep secret from me.
yes, cumshots and all.
on top of that, being so in love with God as my mother is,
i don't think she'd really call herself a cockwhore, flash her boobs and cunt for the world and sleep around.
oh yes, AND tell the world about it.
okay, after this particularly self-righteous, bitchy post,
i do think it's awfully hard to be a mom.
it really is.
can you imagine it?
"hey! wanna have sex with a random hot guy?"
"i can't, G has a ballet recital and tomorrow morning's D's ball game.
i also have work i brought home, not to mention the cat litter which often forgets to clear its contents and walk itself to the rubbish bin"
*usually, instead of this whole long chunk, it would be:
"i can't. i'm a mom"
men, on the other hand,
have it easy(except from their wives of course)
Before kids, they go out anytime they like,
after kids, they go out anytime they like.
if they don't go out, they're just slobbing around in front of the tv anyway.
i'm just saying in general you know?
i know my dad doesn't do that, he's too caught up in his work.
and alastair doesn't do that either, he slobs around if front of the computer,
and i have a gut feeling he'll be doing that if we end up married, with five screaming kids
you know i love you alastair!
but anyway, do you get the point?
even though we'd think it gross if we saw our dad's naked body splattered all over the web,
we'd think it's just that, gross and nothing more.
on top of that, unless we've actually seen that part of our dad's bodies we wouldn't even KNOW it's our dads.
we wouldn't even be able to tell if the naked body in the photo couple with the erotic blogging is or is not that of our fathers.
and even if we did find out it was our dad,
we'd just think it gross and probably stop walking around wrapped in a towel.
if it's our mothers we saw
we'd recognize them immediately cos usually the woman's face is in full view.
and then,
we'd think that they were such a complete disgrace.
oh the betrayal!
on top of the
EW EW EW screaming in our heads.
even if our moms were like hot(like stacy's mom)
it'd still be gross.
so yes,
even though i spent the first quarter of my post
dissing the woman like alot
(mainly because she goes to church. and has cell group and ass whipping within hours of each other)
my posting made me realize the hugeass burden a mother carries.
it's more than just, my daughter seeing scarrs i have from cutting myself.
mothers are human after all.
and this woman's still in her "i'm gonna die if i don't fuck something quick" stage.
but she is just thirty.
can you imagine, not only being a mother of two, at thirty, but also having three ex husbands and an ex wife?
yes, mothers do have a lot of weight on their shoulders.
it's still upsetting though.
some mothers embrace that responsibility
some shun it like the plague.
i, for one, would embrace the beauty that comes with this responsibility,
that being my children.
whatever it is, if you're a mom, one can tell.
so just like being a girlfriend means one can't kiss random guys unless with permission,
being a mother means even if you're a nymphomaniac, you don't gloat to the whole world about how you just love doggystyle or whatever.
i need to shutup and bathe before filming starts.
- xoxo
charis loves you
4:12 PM