quite out of the blue, as usual.
it's strange, how although we look forward to our birthdays every year, we stop noticing that we're growing up.
we stop noticing how being sixteen is quite, quite different from being six and we pick up the six year olds and tell them how adorable they are.
it's only been about a decade since we were that age, and that size,
but we don't quite seem to remember that.
i think what really startles me most is this;
At six, when we say
"mommy i've got a friend who..."
the other half of the sentence talks about random kids who smash legos, or can do splits, or has lots more barbie dolls than us.
At 12, when we say that,
we're talking about a friend who's gotten a second piercing, started smoking and/or cuts school and makes out with guys two years older(thus deemed too old for us)
But now,
at sixteen, the sentence
"mommy i've got a friend who..."
ends off, quite a few times with,
"just got married" or "just gave birth"
i'm not talking about friends the same age as me of course, but around my age.
and i realized,
"around my age" right now includes people who are in their twenties.
so even though people my age aren't getting married yet or giving birth,
people around my age are definitely getting married, one has just become a father, another a mother.
At the very least, people my age or around my age, are contracting sexually transmitted dieseases and/or getting thrown into boys/girls' homes.
c 'est la vie!
after all, what can we do other than nod at this blog post, acknowledge how we're growing older every day and simply carry on with life?
no, i don't want to be sixteen forever
that's not the point of this whole entry.
it's just shocking that one moment we're running around the house refusing to be put to bed for our afternoon naps and pretty much the very next moment,
we're screaming for peace and quiet so we can crawl into bed for our afternoon naps because the days are taking its toll on us.
scary, don't you find?
how days, weeks and christmases pass us by so quickly.
suddenly secondary school life is over and too soon for us,
we're thrown into the ugly world of politics and secret rendezvous at unknown restaurants so that we can know the real deal with so and so as well as so and so.
no wonder people keep wanting to go back to studies.
well, i'm dreadfully tired.
i've had two days of math and i didn't get to rest much today.
i was falling asleep but stayed up to come online and waste a bit more of my life away.
i've been up for an extra two hours now.
shutting up, i take my leave