Monday, April 30, 2007

snap, frozen in bliss
a perfect moment, captured
now blurry, now distant
no more than a dusty memory to pull off the shelf
smile at
maybe in the end we won't be together,
maybe in the end it won't work,
not because we don't want it to but because it just can't.
but i'll watch you walk away without a single regret other than those times i made you cry
or when i cried because it wasted the times we could otherwise have spent holding each other.
i'll smile as you turn around and catch my last flying kiss
at the end of the day,
at least we tried. we gave it a shot
and i know for certain that a part of me will always be with you,
and a part of you will definitely always be with me.
it's hard to say as of right now.
i love you so much, i want to spend the rest of my life with you,
crazy as it sounds.
mad, delirious it might seem because we're only so young.
teenagers and too crazy,
too in love that we're just so dizzy.
and it seems impossible, impossible,
that at 16 i could feel that i've found my perfect other half.
it scares mommy, fuck it scares me too.
how will you ever know?
i used to ask myself that since i had to push my father back from the entrance of the flat.
i guess you just do know, in the end.
of course, being a mother of your crazed and very in love daughter,
you'd tell her to take it slow and see the world.
so yes, i know where she's coming from completely.
as i've grown i've somehow managed(finally!) to understand her.
she admits willingly though, that he's the only proper boyfriend that she'd ever ever ever accept.
it really scares me sometimes.
like this, like
it's the whole.
i tried to tell you, you know.
what's been happening, what i've been feeling.
but you don't listen.
you're not listening, you're not listening anymore.
instead it becomes a whole
"why're you still with me then" kinda thing.
and i hate myself more.
and i keep feeling like i don't have a right to feel like this.
that's why i can't cry and i can't get upset like this.
gawd it hurts
it really really does, and i can't say it out.
not even to myself.
and maybe you'll read this,
maybe you'll just use it against me again
and then you'll tell me how this, how all this shows that i'm not happy with you.
you might tell me not to love you anymore.
but how can't i?
when i feel like a whole part of me is already yours,
with you.
how can i just drop it and go, i can't love you anymore?
because it's not true.
it's not fucking true.
as much as these incidences and situations are fucking
utter turmoil,
i love you.
and i do want to be with you.
i want to tell you, because other wise i'm just doing what your last girlfriend did.
bottling everything up and then finally i know it'll just all burst and then,
and we'll just be ruined and i'd never want that.
You’ve got a charm
You simply dissolve me every time
As long as you try
I’m along for the ride
All the way
I said it before
There wont be a door that’s closed to us
Putting all my trust in you
Cause you, you’ll always be true,
I Never planned, no
This would be,
you and you alone
Now for me
I know you’re the best You’ve past every test
Its almost too good to be true
You’re the perfect man for me
I love you I do
suddenly you're mine,
and it's brighter than sunshine
what a feeling
- xoxo
charis loves you
2:14 PM