Monday, April 09, 2007
so i answered the phone crying
i'm sorry,
what more can i say already?
i was hurt so i reacted the way i did and lashed out
but you turn it around and yes,
i admit, i didn't mean those words i said
what i do really think and feel is;
you're better off without me.
because to you, i'm as close to perfect as perfect gets.
though you admit, that there're half a dozen things you'd like to change about me.
you love me, and i know you do.
but you still want to change those little quirks about me that don't fit you,
that you don't like.
you need someone who doesn't bug you,
who doesn't see a problem with you staying up all night playing games,
perhaps even playing those games with you.
you need someone who doesn't pierce or tattoo or cut
someone who's still in a mainstream school gunning for a brilliant future.
a brilliant future preferably in singapore or australia, right where you want to be
on the other hand,
i know i want you. and yes,
i know i need you.
you've offered me more than any girl could ask for.
one could easily think, but then there are those things about you that i seem like i want to change.
like you staying up all night to play computer games
but the truth is,
you wouldn't be who you are if not for those little quirks.
you're perfect, to me because of what and who you are.
i wouldn't be in love with you if i didn't have those minor things to get annoyed about.
but it's different for you, isn't it?
that piercings and tattoos are an increasing thing on me.
so you would say, go ahead and do what makes you happy
but you don't mean it
and then afterwards, it just backfires on me.
then i am torn,
between wanting to close my piercing or whatever, to make you happy
and thinking that if you loved me enough, the piercing wouldn't matter to you.
then just the other day,
when i was full on ready to just close the new piercing,
you got so pissed off!
saying i was closing it for the wrong reasons.
but on the contrary my darling!
because if it made you happy then i'd be happy too.
can't you see that?
i've sworn never to change for anybody or ever give up the things i love
but i do, for you
simply because i'm in love with you
and your happiness means the world to me
there are still everyday things that continue to happen
things that i'm still upset about.
and i can't say a thing about it
then there's last night which spills over to today.
i gripped the bare blade in my hand so tight, just willing it to sink through my skin
i thought, no.
i'd leave it for today.
i really was sorry about all those things i said, you know.
but you've thrown my tears and sorrys back in my face,
of course, bringing up the horrible mistake i made and today
is just nothing
i thought, if we didn't make it past today,
i'd drive that thing ito my wrist.
but you know,
now i really don't know what i'll do.
oh, how i've always hated unrequitted love.
but what if this is something worse?
that i can love you so much
and know, without a doubt, how much you love me too
but yet, at the very same time
know that you can't really want me if there's so much about me that you want to change?
i had/have a little secret for you
- xoxo
charis loves you
12:26 PM