Thursday, March 22, 2007

we need to come to some sort of agreement,
we need to figure something out, so we can move on together
be it whether or not we decide to
move on together
or move on and off and away
i hate what you're going through,
and i'm so so so sorry
i was clearing my email, rubbish accumulated over time,
and i saw two comments he left, one after the other,
on the 16th of june.
comments that at that point in time, probably brought a smile,
and a just that slight tinge of exasperation that he were so worried about me,
which at the same time of course, made me smile again.
less than a year on however,
and with this completely new situation i've found myself in,
i look at those two comments,
comprising of only a few words,
and yet so full of the love i thought i didn't quite have when i was with him.
i read old emails, filled with words that seem to only be describing this whole situation we're in right now.
filled with all the words i want to say, but can't get out.
perhaps it took me this huge mistake to realize,
how much you loved me
and how much i love you.
unrealistic expectations,
and probably, without me even realizing it.
there was a big bang, and we all got knocked down
but then,
everything seems to have fallen in place along with it
both rings clink on my finger,
this painful reminder that we aren't what we used to be,
and we won't be for a long time
i get that, i understand
i know
and i'm prepared
for the over suspicion, the mistrust
the works
perhaps i have to stop punishing myself
but i don't believe i deserve that just yet,
not until
we need time, space
i'd say a huge shot of vodka too
except i had a whole glass that one time and it didn't help me to think any clearer
we have to each think about what's best for ourselves
i need you,
but i know right now you don't need me
you can't because it's too painful and i know that
so more than anything,
you need time
and i'll admit, i hate that
i'm right here
- xoxo
charis loves you
1:45 AM