Monday, February 12, 2007
scumbagit took me a while to get to blogging
though i had the page opened for quite a while
i will state here clearly, that alastair, this isn't for you to read
because i know how you feel about this
i am so annoyed, so pissed off
that i will write what i will, and guess what
i mean every word
at the beginning, i couldn't even be bothered to blog about this
i will take the time to create an awareness
and oh believe me darlings,
this will not stay here
this story will
spreadi gurantee you
i met marcus online when i was thirteen
more specifically, he found me on Friendster
now everyone knows what a favour that does
i went out with him once, just once
and before our little rendezvous, i made my rules clear
1)i don't kiss on first dates
2)i don't think highly of those who cross my boundaries and bend my rules
(my boyfriend after this was an exception and if you are familiar with who i'm talking about then shhh!)
of course, he crossed boundaries and i walked away
since then,
we would text at random
when he randomly needs to borrow cash,
something or another
when that happened, alastair called to tell him off
but even after we still kept in random contact
today, Pris and i discovered the marcus we were discussing was one and the same
he had asked us both out this morning
how fucking unbelieveable is that!
pris and i proceeded to play up our part to throw his stupidity back in his face and in the end we did, though not quite as dramatically as we had planned
he had the nerve to text the both of us saying how we had hurt him,
that we were vengeful,
that God never had anything against this "open-mindedness" on his part
why could we not love as God had loved us
Pris and i retaliated in very different ways
while she threw back bible verses at him to beat him at his own game,
i was fed up to the T with this little dirt bag and told him so
He could throw as much hypocritical bullshit at me but i was through
(yes, finally)
because i've believed him every single time he said he'd changed
Marcus, who is currently studying in Millenia Institute,
give christians and catholics a bad name
three years ago,
i was a strong enough christian to walk away
and now, i will honestly admit that though my ways are not as
christian-like as they used to be,
i am the same person
the same one who saw through his lies but fell for it all over again
yes, i have had enough
i never knew that such a dirtbag could exist in a human being until i met him
oh i could write more,
oh so much more but you know what,
there are really other things nagging me right now.
- xoxo
charis loves you
10:00 PM