Thursday, February 08, 2007

my Look Of The Year
my look of the year is basically one concentrating on not fucking up as much as possible
Sec 3 Take 2
you think it doesn't hurt?
watching my best friends move from class to class,
carrying on with their lives
while i do the same
i've got my life i've got to pick up again
and seeing my friend trash hers, all over again gets me so pissed off,
and so scared at the same time
without knowing it,
she's an influence on those around her
i'm looking at my class now,
and although i don't have a stand to say my words,
i'm thinking
don't screw up, you don't know what it's likeas irresponsible as i can be sometimes
and as slackerish as i know myself to be,
i'm looking at all this, knowing i can't fuck up
and i'm watching her
knowing without a doubt,
that something's gotta give, and it will
that's what i'm scared of most
anywayi just finished reading my second library book
it's called crushed
oh shutup, we all know what i bookworm i am(:
is it possible for one to detest a character so much that one could wish to kill him
basically, cutting the long story short,
he cheated on her with her best friend
it was a silent break up supposedly
or perhaps,
he "mentally broke up with her"
i couldn't help the tears as i read past their silent break up,
the betrayal of her best friend
shutup again, cos yes, i'm emotional
reading these kinda books get me extremely vulnerable
and suddenly small and insecure
i'm scared of being left alone,
wondering why it is (and how) i feel that i'm not enough
reading about how the main character loved him
the fact remains,
it wasnt enough for him to stay, to think twice about leaving,
to think twice about cheating
and i think,
weren't my sister and i reasons for my father to stay?
wasn't my love enough to make him stay?
another part of the book talked about the teacher
and how her husband, a judge, asked her to pull the plug on him
he said "i don't have kids to live for, don't have a dog either"
her pride stopped her from saying
"but you have me"and that,
is how i feel
but you have mewas i not reason enough for him to stay?
then with trembling fingers i ask
ask if my love will be enough for you to stay
because when just anyone can say i love you
and turn around and leave
i wonder if they had anything that might've made them want to stay
i'm asking,
if i can be your reason to stay
if my love is enough for you
because most of the time,
i feel like i'm not enough
for anyone really.
this sounds emo, and i apologize with all my heart,
because this isn't usually me
but yes,
there are times when i feel
and then ackowledge,
that i'm not enough
i couldn't ever be
and i guess, it all starts with how i was never enough to keep my father from walking away.
i think alastair's gonna get pissed i keep talking about the divorce
sometimes it sounds like i can't let it go
like i'm always harping on and on about it
but see,
i've gotten over it
but one thing that i will never be able to forget
or let go of
is how
i wasnt enough to keep my father from walking out
and how even today,
i'm not enough, not good enough for
a particular role perhaps,
i'm not good enough at singing to cut an album,
instead, i'm painfully in between
more examples which might support what i've been saying,
but then this will just become a horribly boring rant
so i'll end of here
mmm yes,
new year look
i've bought new spectacles!
- xoxo
charis loves you
9:08 PM