Monday, January 01, 2007

tell me why it is
that everything i know is changing
everything i once saw as perfect is now
tell me why it is
why it is
that i'm losing my grip on everything i touch
and what i hold so very dear to me feels like it's slipping,
slipping away.
why does everything feel like it's crumbling
where are you? when i need you so terriblyi don't, i can't understand why all this is happening
how perfect can crash in just a second
and how clear brown eyes can be a mess of eyeliner and mascara just as you raise your voice
just as that hint of annoyance comes back into the edge of your words
when it's over, that's the time i fall in love againtell me why this is happening
tell me please,
help me make it right again
my perfect, didn't require much really
my perfect,
was just you
if it's wrong to love you,
then my heart just won't let me be right
- xoxo
charis loves you
10:34 PM