Thursday, October 12, 2006

oh this is fucking ironic
the last time i blogged,
is exactly what was brought up once more today
you used to say you'd never let me go
i walked away, but you didn't come after mei'm sorry okay
that i'm not good enough
i'm not your type
that no matter what i do
i'll never meet the standards
not just your standards
but everyone else related to you
i got away from stiff necked stereotyping methodist churches
only to still in many ways
be connected to it
i'm sorry i'm not what you want
i never have been
and never will be
that the person you are,
can never be seen with the person i am
that we can be so close,
yet worlds apart
i used to think
how special it was
we were complete and utter opposites
we were so so different
but now,
i realize
that it's just an addition to all the shit that's already against us
so anyway,
chatting with Ashley cheered me up
was telling him how all my results have come back
he was assuring me that i was brilliant so i needn't worry
it's been long
so my results have come back
and overall,
i only failed three subjects
but this doesnt mean i won't be retained.
chat with ms sem
and i guess even if i am retained i'll have to make sure that
i don't waste anymore time in this little hell hole
because i've never fucking been enoughfor anyone
- xoxo
charis loves you
11:38 PM