Tuesday, September 19, 2006
to top everything off,
i just got into a fight with my sister because she was pissing me off
you'll now say i shouldnt take it out on my sister
first of all when i first come out of my room and seat myself at the com
she asks me to switch on the fan
slowly,and what i hope is clearly because i really dont have the energy to speak
i tell her, or try to tell her how every movement i make jarrs my hungover brain
when i get to the word movement she goes
"uh huh whatever"
already in i would say,
quite a fucking bit of emotional and physical pain
i'm close to tears
later i ask her to pour me a cup of milk
she goes
if it's not so difficult for me to get you milk why couldnt you pick up the card in the bus?
this afternoon
she was caught in some stupid school girl embarrassed moment
i didnt pick up her card cos i had shit in my hands
the fact that she's bringing something so stupid up
annoys me
she brings over the milk though and says a full sentence completing it with
"you're welcome"
a habit she's gotten into
indicating the thank you she wants
i don't say anything
and she repeats herself
"jie! you could at least say thank you!"
she says
i turn round and tell her how she shouldnt do things for a thank you on top of the fact that she said "you're welcome" immediately after her sentence which didnt give me the fucking chance to say thank you anyway
turning back to the computer,
all energy drained i continue with what i've said except softer
she turns up the tv and goes
"you're mumbling i can't hear you"
and i say
"i dont really fucking care"
"i still can't hear you"
"i don't fucking care" in a strained low tone
she repeats her "still cant hear you still cant hear you"
and fucking pissed off by now ontop of the fucking ringing in my head and the fucking load tv she has on i turn round and hit her
she kind of kicks back like a dead rabbit
and we get into the usual sister fight
where i hit her a couple of times and turn back to the com
while she kicks at my kidneys
okay i really can't stand this
i'm going to throw up
- xoxo
charis loves you
9:45 PM