Friday, September 01, 2006
thank you, really bird is very deep
i've had a couple of odd dreams this week
went for Richa's party last night
it wasn't all that bad
i mean,
most of them were pretty innocent and yet, not so
kinda in that odd in between stage of knowing the world yet not jumping right in yet
kelly charlene pris paddy were there
so it wasn't so bad
you could count those who had lost their first kiss
including me
which in other words,
is pretty sad
maybe it's just because i have this warped thinking that cos i lost my first kiss at 12(and sure as fuck regretted it)
that everyone does too
but then again,
some of my friends lost their first kiss at that age too
so hey,
i'm not like an odd one out
so anyway,
played spin the spoon(as apposed to spin the bottle)
truth or dare
paddy's damn fun la
and she hasnt lost her first kiss yet
but seriously,
i didnt really know paddy before this
so watching her so comfortable when we picked out a couple of beers was
pleasent suprise
so anyway,
had more fun than expected
made paddy dance on the table
supid dares
of course,
there are always always those wet blankets who squeal
"eee so sick"
when they're asked to eat chips off a friend
left at about 11 when those staying over settled to watch movies
was on the phone with cali til late
and i'm glad i got to talk to her
you get to see,
two different sides of their whole relationship
but the thing is,
as much as i know ann loves or loved her
i asked ann if she could, would she wanna relive those seven months
and she said not if she knew the outcome
but then again,
she wouldn't want it to just be seven months
she also said that now it was better this way
and she should just move on
when i asked cali the same thing she said
that she would wanna relive it, with the exception of their last three not too bril months
and that was really the answer i thought ann would give,
but she didn't
but cali also said that
things were better this way
and they just had to let go and move on
ah wells
i caaaan't wait for krunk!
even though it's unlikely that i'll get alcohol
for fuck's sake,
we don't even know if there'll be id check
so i really don't know
which is pretty shitty
but the dancing,
the shopping will be fun
i think i'll go purely for fun
more than to get drunk and stuff
i already had a beer last night
and my head started ringing even though i ate
oh gawd,
alcohol tolerance going down
meeting people at 5.30 at harbour front
no prize for guessing how many people will be there too.
fall to the ground like tissue
- xoxo
charis loves you
1:59 PM