Tuesday, September 26, 2006

i think we all do right?
need sleep
with exams coming around
and as bird puts it chiong here chiong there
sleepless nights
or rather,
i'd sleep early so i can wake up to burn the midnight oil
now doesn't that make sense?
aren't i smart?
but when it hits 3am and i actually want to sleep,
i can't because my brain is active
i've hardly studied(what's new)
i dont feel like going to school tomorrow(what's new)
i feel like sleeping in(what's new)
my aircon broke down
so then again,
i don't know if i really want to do that
Monkey, says:
you better go school ok
karys//- you still have my heart says:
i'm tirrreedddd
Monkey, says:
but youre still online
on the other hand,
alastair - time to say goodbye says:
i think im gona go bathe soon
karys//- you still have my heart says:
i should too
karys//- you still have my heart says:
i should sleep very soon
alastair - time to say goodbye says:
please go to school tmr
there's a difference
no alastair, it's not your fault and i'm not like annoyed or mad or anything
little drusilla's phone got taken today
she's the sweetest little darling
but everyone was strip-searched,
and who'd take drus' phone?
seeing her cry,
wouldn't you give it back?
this is the one thing making me think that
this time, maybe, just maybe,
it's not someone from our class
i should go wash the dishes before they grow a different breed of mould in the sink and have weird mould parties which will annoy me when i'm trying to study
notice me, please. that's all i'm asking from you
- xoxo
charis loves you
10:50 PM