Tuesday, September 19, 2006

this is it
it's not like i didn't think
i talked with my friends
you know someone actually asked
"why are you with alastair, he always makes you cry"
but you don't,
you didn't
not always
but you've never really been one to think much before saying have you?
or dress up your words
you're sensitive and emotional but your words have cut more than the blade you keep trying to take outta my hand
you really hurt me
and while i've deleted old, lovey messages telling me how we'll be together forever,
i kept and locked the one where you kept telling me over and over again how unreasonable i was
i'll never get over that you know
i'll never get over that
running through the house like a madman
searching through drawer after drawer
drunk on just a shot
coughing, choking
throwing up in the toilet
and then once more,
searching the whole house
for that one thing i needed
i couldn't find it
so i used a much smaller substitute
and in that moment
my whole body was overwhelmed with a strange calm
a calm that allowed me to sink against my wall and cry as i deleted each message
this was your last chance
you blew it
- xoxo
charis loves you
4:20 PM