Saturday, August 05, 2006
calling out your name,
your face is everywhere
i'm reaching out to you
to find that you're not there
i wake up every night
to see the state i'm in
it's like an endless fight
i never seem to win
but i can't go on
as long as i believe
can't go on
when i keep wondering
where are you now
what have you found
where is your heart
when i'm not around
where are you now?
you gotta let me now
so i can let you go but really,
this just describes my right now
my right now
lunch was absolutely lovely
i loved the company
and i've never been able to spend quality time like that
for ages

rehearsals were amaaaaaaziiiing today
energy up for first full run
but i ran out by full run 2
but amazing nonetheless
huuuuge order-in for dinner(:
courtesy of Ranjeet
ranjeet wants me to guest star in an upcoming event
secret secret(:
mummy just made me honey and lemon!
oooh all nice and warm
she's such a daaaaaarling
en qing practised practised practiiiiised with me
and now, according to him, i'm more or less peeeerfect
and today,
i think today,
i managed to meet my mark as Mrs Hong(:
i can't wait for skiiiins
okay if you're reading this
and you wanna watch it
it'll be out on tv on tuesday night
too bad you won't get to be there live
tooo bad tooo baaaad
- xoxo
charis loves you
11:45 PM