Wednesday, August 09, 2006
you keep me safe in a crazy world Skins was ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL
oh yes it was,
and those who missed out,
too bad baby(:
it's been recorded and word has it that it'll probably be sent out to a couple of schools,
you know,
for education purposes
of course,
there was the cheering, the screaming, the hugs and the kisses
and the low after the euphoria
extreme low due to a tad bit of bitchiness
but moving on
daddy came
as well as pastor andrew, mummy, alastair, janice
i hate goodbyes,
and i do hope,
that this time round,
for this production, it won't really be goodbye
so i woke up this morning,
rested and well
and realizing that my body wasn't gonna go to bed tired and stressed out about the coming up show
and i missed that
i missed needing to wake up for rehearsals
i missed needing to go for rehearsals
en qing suddenly texted after hearing our recording saying he missed training us
and all the rehearsals
i guess we all do
and what anti climax after this
after The Father's Hand, it was horribly anti climax
after The Birds,
i forced myself to get outta it
but this
twinnie thought gerad was cheating on her because his best friend said so
guys can be such fuckers sometimes
she made a statement which stuck with alastair
and that was, how could someone cheat on another after he's said he's loved her so much
all that jazz
i suppose that's all he thought about when annsley hugged kat and i,
when i hugged guys he'd never seen, never talked about
and when he came onstage after everything,
and stared as i hugged en qing after giving him chocolate cake
is it me? because i don't see what he sees?
but why, why is it like that?
does it always have to be? will it always?
my father cheated on my mother for eight years before he left
of course, at the time it was unforgiveable
well, it still is to a certain extent
but i've gotten over it more or less
i was looking at cheating from another point of view
ever been so so so in love?
and then another comes along, and it's like there's just something
there something you cannot ignore
a friend of mine has been in this situation
like about twice she was so torn, because she felt she was in love with someone else at the same time as Jordon
i don't think she ever cheated on him
okay, occassionals i must say, if you want to get technical
but i was thinking,
you could be in love with your boyfriend/ girlfriend and yet in love with someone else
your significant other could mean so much to you that you can't afford to lose them
and you don't want to risk that
but for just that moment,
you feel something for another person
you don't
mean to cheat
they always say that, don't they?
how can you possibly not mean to cheat?
but at first there's nothing wrong (or so one always fools oneself into thinking)
with going out with the other person without letting your significant other know
it's not
dating just a one on one outing, not dating
then it carries on, and before you know it,
you're torn between two lovers.
quite literally in some cases
so who's fault is it really?
we blame guys saying they're just horny
sometimes, well many times,
that's true
but then,
what about if you can't help having chemistry with someone?
ever thought of that?
chemistry isn't wrong i suppose
(i'm just typing everything out in general, taking no sides)
it's the falling in love bit
you can choose who you fall in love with
you think about the person just a little bit more
and fancy yourself to little indulgent thoughts of that person
outside your relationships
it's easier to say
"fuck this relationship, it's tying me down"
when you're hitting rocks
isn't that how it always is?
lunch today at kenny's was good,nice
the company was lovely
we walked around toys R us,
we're still kids,
long bus ride
lovely lovely dinner
steak and Late Harvest 2005
oh yes, and to all who came down to watch Skins,
IT WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN THE SAME WITHOUT YOU(:thanks so so so much for all the congratulations
and the flowers
and the hugs
and the kisses
mwah mwah to you too
Mrs Hong
(sorry ah, still in character hor=D)
oh yes,
happy national day
- xoxo
charis loves you
11:20 PM