Friday, August 04, 2006
and the shadows grow longer,
time steals away it's misty,
and i only see his back
he's walking,
he's walking away
bit by bit,
i'm learning to let you go
i will,
i will let you go
i'll let you have your own space
and your own time
i will keep a leash around myself
because i have to
i know i do
and you know i do
i love the special little things you do,
which make me feel so special
like your
choco baby for no apparent reason
so random
so beautiful
which makes me know
how much i still mean to you
how much you do actually love me
but you see, after a while,
i don't want to hope
because i don't want to be disappointed
that's what happened last time,
that's why i allowed the distance
because i took the advice of not putting your happiness on other people
i realized sometimes the person you least expect to,
lets you down the most
now, the distance is just there you know?
well sometimes it's there and sometimes it's not
this distance
i'm so in love,
so so so in love
but like i told my twinnie today,
who coincidentally was having a shitty day,
there's not much we can do, is there?
when we're so terribly in love with the guys that seem to just break our hearts most well but, i don't even think they do it intentionally
today was a pretty crummy day
because of this that and the other
cried like three times or something
well it helped the song
i guess
when i envisioned him walking away
in the mist
bad days just happen i guess

en qing took this,
he said i looked like the cat.
rehearsals til 8.30
and tomorrow,
all the way til 9pm
oh my gawwwd
i swear i'm just gonna collapse and die
it's amazing how an 18 year old still needs his daddy so much.
so much and how beautiful that is
- xoxo
charis loves you
10:50 PM