Tuesday, June 13, 2006

what happened to this?
pictures taken with his camera phone,
late nights we all spent at this same place
getting high, getting drunk
laughing, just laughing
the laughs still echo off the walls of this now cold, empty house
i still hear them
i see us red, flushed with too much to drink
i hear our little secrets, all of them
his, mine, yours, ours
i remember tai tee
or scrabble
i remember what we don't have now
and i don't know if we ever will again
something happened along the way,
the distance between mummy and i grew
and finally, after the last time
it was slowly coming back
the old times
the planned suprises,
long talks
it was all coming back
my relationship with my mother was coming back together again
and then,
i want this to be a dream i can wake up from
but if i make it a dream,
then so will every other thing i've ever lived for
it would all be a dream
reality would be a dream
and i don't know if i really want that
because jemma's small hand in mine would also be a dream too
and i don't want that to happen
i know it's been a while,
strange that after everything,
all the time i've spent trying to push myself away from You
yet come closer,
i'm here
i'm here in front of You
tears in my eyes and on my knees
i need You,
i need help
i need You
i don't know who to turn to
i know my life's been a mess,
but please,
help me get through this
just help me get through this
i'm not making deals with You,
because you're not that kinda guy
but i'm telling You,
here and now
that i need You more than ever
more than i ever thought i'd admit
not because of this situation
but because of my life as well
help me through this
i'm begging you
i'm not sure what i'm asking really
i want this to be okay,
to disappear even though i know it won't
but i think,
what i'm really asking Lord,
is for you to be beside me and tell me it'll be okay.
i'm sorry 
so what happened to those times?
when we just played music and danced together
when we didn't see this shit hurtling itself into our face
a whole new world, for you and me
- xoxo
charis loves you
4:20 PM