Thursday, June 15, 2006

and now, i'm just farther away indeed

guess this is what i am,
and all i'll ever be
I'm so tired of living,
Feels like the world is falling.
Looks like its raining blood.
Makes me remember,
Remember when I was happy?
Good times.
Faded around the edges,
Flower pedal dreams,
Sweet, soft, wonderful.
Nightmarish world,
Cruel, alive, sad.
Forget when you were sad?
Have you ever been sad?
Do you know what its like;
To feel the pain and torment of ones soul,
Poured out through a wrist?
Ever been depressed?
Never been happy?
Don't say you care,
If you think you know,
But haven't a clue.
If you will take the time,
To understand,
The pain,
The hopelessness,
The fear,
The loneliness,
To understand,
Then you can say,
You care.
If you say I don't,
Talk to you,
Think about a time you offered to,
Did I fear you hearing me?
Did you really want to,
All my pain.
You say you felt it,
When I didn't talk?
When you spoke to me,
Harsh words,
Stirring me deep.
Could you shut up?
Let me breath,
Let me live,
Leave my pain alone.
Don't cause more,
You think it is fake?
Acting out?
But do you wake up,
With itchy wrists,
Because no one would listen?
Did you ever,
Hide your tears,
When so badly you wanted to be held,
Just so,
You could cry with out question?
Would you dream of death,
And want to stay dreaming,
Even if it scare you?
Would you read this,
And see the words,
Or just another check you have to,
Fill out
So you
To a dying girls thoughts.
If I screamed?

that's all i can say
- xoxo
charis loves you
12:15 PM