Sunday, June 11, 2006

so i was talking to dollie and penny,
because you know,
they're they're the only ones who stay round long enough to hear me rant nowadays
and i realized,
yea i admit
that i was being childish
i was, indeed
so here's how it goes
bad evening,
this is supposed to explain my first post.
the one with the picture of the girl smoking
so i'm telling of the itty bittys that's pissed me off,
and being me i sidetrack to
i love you
and the next minute,
and the response is just a
oh, goodnight then
so i claim he's not listening
it starts off as a playful sulk,
like the playful goodnight
because well,
i'm thinking if you were listening then you'd know i wasn't done telling about my bad day
i mumble stuff but tell him it's nothing
and i end off the shit with a goodnight,
for real,
since he's gonna be going to sleep too anyway
and well,
after all the mumbling to myself and then saying it's nothing,
you know,
as usual,
or as it's recently become usual,
it's just easier not to say anything
anything at all
but then as i'm lying on the bed,
still on the phone but just falling asleep
i realize
i don't have anyone
i mean,
i have a boyfriend,
though perhaps after tonight it'd be a 'i had'
i have loads of darling friends who i can talk to
i have a best friend
but i don't have anyone i can talktalk to
i mean,
by the time i settle down to chat about this with my friends,
the situation would've been settled anyway
it's just weird
especially cos we don't keep filling each other out on our lives
so you know,
that's why it'd be weird if i suddenly called em up to complain about my bad day
so actually,
i don't have anyone
anyone at all,
besides penny and dollie that is
little stuff like bad days have long been left outta our conversations already
so that's when i cried
because i realized that while vicky probably has someone to call up(me for instance,) when she's depressed,
i don't
i can call him i guess
i guess
and we'd talk
but oh i don't know
i just wanted someone to listen,
just for you know,
like five fucking minutes
just wanted to tell someone how annoyed i was this evening about certain things
and i couldn't
so when i was asked why i was crying
i obviously don't have an answer
i'm too fucking lazy to cut myself
it stopped hurting ages ago anyway
eyed my pills when i stopped myself from getting a nice drink
but i avoided that too
you know why?
cos i'm too sick and tired
you're being very childish and oh don't it
but though it seems like i'm throwing a bitch fit over a small thing,
it's really not that small
it links all the way back up to lets see,
you not really listening, (or in my opinion, you would've known i was far from done)
which linked to how i can't talk to anyone
and how everyone's busy
well everyone's always busy so never mind that
i don't know what your problem well i'm not sure of that either,
and i don't know if it's a problem but i really don't expect you to understand.
it seems like i'm being childish
and maybe i am
or maybe it's just that we have an identity crisis,
i'm struggling to stay fifteen cos i miss being my own age and you're trying to grow up.
oh fucking hell,
just fuck this
- xoxo
charis loves you
4:30 AM