Friday, June 16, 2006
it's a long winding road,
back to trust again
it's a long winding road,
but we'll make it in the endso one of alastair's friends just went through a break up
i feel bad now,
i mean i always felt she deserved way better
but then looking at her now...
or well, hearing about her now
i guess one should've been able to tell,
i mean, even though she got mad at him sometimes,
and, at least in my opinion, he was extremely unreasonable,
she still put up with him
what else could that be other than love?
c'mon i detested him, i have to admit,
and so did vick
i hate emotional blackmailers
and i feel he was emotionally abusing her
but at the end of the day,
she still loved him
and now with this
it makes you wonder sometimes
the time and effort you put into a relationship,
and when it ends
are you ready to spend days crying?
don't think about all that forever shit
don't think about all the times you
promise forever
because sometimes one thing's all it takes to destroy what you've built,
even for ten years
alastair and i promise each other forever
but as mummy points out,
nothing's confirmed til you sign on the dotted line
i'm not saying alastair and i won't last
i really want us to last
but i mean,
okay what if he, God forbid, got into a fatal car accident?
since i've promised him forever,
do i just never get married? ever?
what if i got into an accident?
what if we cheated on each other,
does the promise of forever count?
back to point,
sometimes i wonder if a lot of us are really ready for realtionships
or maybe we are,
but we're not ready for the heartache

enough said,
i don't want to sound depressive
i'm LATE
- xoxo
charis loves you
10:30 AM