Monday, June 26, 2006

one of the two days in the whole year where my shoes are white
oh i just had to remember how clean my shoes are before it become another rotting foot cover.
like the one vicky saved outta the trash
SOfirst day of school was really good and really fun=D
i woke up in a pretty good mood
breakfast with baby buu, marisse, mark the fart, jerome and some other pretty cute guy with a chinese name
went to school and basically realized we'd wasted our time packing our school bags and on top of that, wasted energy and arm muscles carrying the shit load of school books because in the end, we didn't have lessons
which of course,
no one's complaining about
got high,
got pink
played truth or dare
lotsa truuuuths
and oooh baby, lotsa dares
lickylickies and push ups where lips meet
i have a whole lotta videos butbutbut the format's different from phone to com
so i'll figure out a way to like,
you know,
spread the love
oh yes, today was good
today was fucking good
had lunch with the little sister, buu, ann & marisse in school
had drinks which we didn't buy from school
shared mixed juice out of our "holy grail"
which was really good by the way
was actually just gonna pick up my very white,
very weird looking sculpture but in the end,
i stayed back and painted it
little sister helped as well
after that kinda headed home
i was so fucking tired
and my ringing brain was fucking killing me
slept til tampines
bus-ed it home from there
went through a fuck load of shit to get mummy to let me go out again tonight
and actually,
to be honest,
i was really looking forward to tonight's thing
really looking forward to it
rushed through bathing,
got dressed up
but you know,
life fucks you up sometimes
life fucks you up bad

so what the hell
you cry a bit
but i guess all i can say is that,
even though the whole evening,
(getting yelled out by mom, going to lengths to get her consent to go out tonight)
turned out to be a huge fucking joke
(cos in the end i didn't go out)
i'm glad mummy was okay with cooking for me last minute and dinner was nice=D
i couldn't fucking get to sleep til like 3am last night
oh gawd
i have to go to sleep early
today was a mixture of good and bads basically
mainly good
but i was in a good mood
okay whatever whatever
i have shiat to do
girl kisses and good days
- xoxo
charis loves you
10:16 PM