Tuesday, June 27, 2006

pictures taken with his camera phone
faces flushed with too much to drink
naps on the couch
drunken laughter and attempts to walk straight
'good morning beautiful's
'i love you's
sweet and simple
what we thought could only last forever
we're drifting apart,
he says
understatement of the year
well actually,
i don't think we're drifting apart
we drifted apart ages ago
when rule-breaking wasn't his thing
when late night partying wasn't all that
when i realized it was always me wanting to meet up
and him telling me to school
when i told myself to stop
and allowed the drift
well wasn't it better?
we see each other less,
wasn't that what you wanted?
but now the problem is,
that i fell back into my old self
the needing to see you
but i'll curb that soon enough
there's only so many negative answers you can take isn't there?
you always told me that we can't compare now with last year
but we both agree last year was better
the same itty bittys we fought over
except this year,
it's different
it's different because you're changing
and i'm changing
everyone changes
and i accepted that
but you're not accepting my changes
whatever i do now,
or have done now
i would've done last time,
last year,
or before we were together
that's the thing
i acknowledge that i've changed
but not in the ways you think
i smoked, cut, drank, kissed guys and girls last time
last time,
last year,
before you,
and now,
though on rarer occassions
with the exception of drinking
the only "changed" bit,
is the increase in swearing
must've happened without my knowledge
and i can't defend myself if two people have told me i swear more
benefit of the doubt,
and i'll cut down on it
if you think you don't know me
i'm starting to know myself even less
the charis i knew,
would never cut over a guy
no one owned her, she lived her own life
her life was more or less the way she wanted it
no one told her to do nothin
the world was hers to fall into
but see,
i've cut,
i've cut a couple of times over you
i still insist no one owns me but i feel like i'm cheating on you if i play truth or dare, kiss a girl and don't tell you
i can't go to a party without promising you what time i'll be home and promising not to be drunk though that doesn't really help cos you'd still worry about me
i'm not complaining about that
but see,
i've had to compromise
no clubbing without you
all that jazz
i told stacy her boyfriend was too controlling
"if you wanna go club, club. don't miss having fun cos he don't allow"
it's not that i'm not allowed
it's that
i either feel bad if you're not there
or i just end up not going cos of this that and the other
if you thought last year was wonderful,
i did too
but it's past
get over that
cos i made myself after you said now is now
i could live in The Father's Hand forever
but i didn't
we move on
and all that's left are sweet memories
there's no regret
you choose whether to leave or stay
because my decisions are usually yours
so i'll curb my need to see you
because it just happened
a couple of times
and we're already into a new term
sat on the inside,
left the outer seat free for you
but you were busy
even though i was already there
settled with my stuff
you weren't coming
that was that
don't say sorry
you've done nothing wrong
i'm starting to get used to it too you see,
looking forward to something
only to have that crushed
chill baby,
it'll be alright
i'm just fine
just peachy fine
there's no sarcasm here,
i swear
it's just
see i lived better,
i cried so much less
when i put a leash around my neck
i want that
if that's how i can stay with you and be happy
then i want that
we've drifted already
you mean you only noticed that now?
but it'll be alright
just get myself straight
and i will be alright 
hidden kisses and smiles with tears
drifting apart you say?
we've drifted
ages ago
- xoxo
charis loves you
5:55 PM