Tuesday, June 13, 2006

i had a dream last night,
i was fucking high
then there's a jiggling door in my dream and i hold my breath, my eyes open
i see the light outside switch on
the door unlocks and we lie still
she switches off the aircon and sees me in bed,
but she sees a person beside me
i want to wake up but i can't
i just fucking can't
i'm half asleep but this is real
this is so fucking real
the song's running through my head. she looks at me and goes,
"can you look me in the eye, and tell me that you're happy. are you happy now?"am i happy now?duh not.
was all that worth this?
i don't know because nothing makes sense
i don't want this to be real
i want this dream to end
i want to wake up back in front of the fireplace in UK where i was curled up on the rug
i want to run out the blue door in my bright green booties
i want to run into mummy and daddy's arms and know that they're real
that's real
not this,
no, not really.
- xoxo
charis loves you
9:45 AM