Sunday, June 11, 2006

it started out with how a girl's self esteem can be brought down by their
significant insignificant other.
so alastair realized the truth in this and gave me a recent happening to tie in.
basically, dear readers,
i'll make a full circle and cover this, that and the other
it's a game, a computer game common among guys
so there's four of them playing and lets see,
they all know who'll win
but still they play
and mr sure-win is just getting his ego boost
and what he does is basically he plays em
he plays his friends so that he will win so that
(in my opinion) he'll make himself feel good
pathetic really
on my side,
i just feel it's pathetic, he's pathetic
so i'll let him be
but what alastair's pointing out is that
while mr sure-win is getting his ego boost,
he's putting down his supposed to be "friends" and making them feel like shit
okay girls,
we'll put aside that this is just a game
because apparently,
mr. sure-win isn't playing this like it's a game
he's playing it so he can win and make himself feel even better
okay besides starting to seethe over this annoying guy
(who really didn't seem that bad to me but ignore what might be my poor judgement)
it's been pointed out,
if he's like that for a computer games,
what's he really like in real life?
he's so bent on killkillkill in a dumbass computer game
so maybe he'll be like that if laws weren't put up against murders
so that really got me thinking,
and okay yes,
so it's a dumb computer game
does it, can it define you?
i think everything does
i'll take as an example,
i don't really know about now cos he has honestly,
changed quite a bit.
but like he was focused on squash and all out to win,
he was like that with studies.
he still studies hard, but besides the point
he was, is competitive. very, in fact
and though i don't know if he was competitive in studies i do know,
especially for his O levels,
he pushed himself very very hard and kept wanting to do better
what i'm pointing out here is that,the way he is with his game,
he is in reality
i'm looking at alastair's friend slightly differently though
i'm thinking like,
he needs his ego boost cos really,
it's what makes him tick
so you know what?
good for him
it's horrible unfortunate he has to step on his friends' toes
(one of whose tootsies belong to my darling bunnykins)
in the process of making himself feel better
he's pathetic,
and so, he uses something he's good at to make himself feel better
in the process he annoys and irritates his friends
so we come back to girls and their insignificant others
i don't personally know these girls
but i know they look good,
they're hot
and they're hard to get
so why is one of em, (the prettier of the two in my opinion)
stuck with and ugly,
horribly overprotective,
easily jealous guy
who emotionally blackmails and abuses her?
and why is the other,
who knows that she's too good for her boyfriend,
and who knows she's not in love,
still with him?
when he's ugly, geeky and wanted to bathe with her the first time she went to his place?
okay maybe i shouldn't say that but well,
she won't see this
i hope. okay, i really do hope
back to point,
two girls, far from ugly
both confident
suddenly dating below them
like, far below them in my opinion and to result in
a plunge in their self esteem
in one case,
she doesn't feel as worth it as she used to
oh gawd honey,
we're girls that's why we're worth it.
but basically in her case,
thanks to mr ego
she feels
i don't know really because i don't know her personally
so guess what,
the smallest actions,
the smallest friggin association to annoying people
can bring down your esteem
not just insignificant others but well,
friends in need of ego boosts and use you to make themselves feel good
that's really the shits
damn them ass wipes
so that's the end of my rant of the day
oh gawd!
i think sam and wen look absolutely adoooorable together!
they're super cute!
- xoxo
charis loves you
1:10 AM