Wednesday, May 10, 2006

my blog thingie can be entered into now(:
so i'm home,
talking and singing to myself.
still a little bit too sick to busy myself with excercise.
or maybe that's just an excuse
did a couple of really nice pictures yesterday(:
i think this week is really really relaxing for me.
i browsed through all my old testimonials
and they really made me smile
i guess these are the small things which are special
it take just a few minutes to write a testimonial or two
and we hardly think much about it
but a couple of years down the line,
the recepient of that testimonial looks back,
and smiles.
it's more than just things like
"tis ger ish veh enthu"
it's things like
"don't care about that bitch and that william hung guy.
how's unbaked bread?baked already?" -bird
or stuff like
"i love you" -vick
it's these tiny tiny things
which take barely a minute to type out,
yet they mean so very much.
you guys ought ta check out my pictures(:
cos i actually spent time uploading them.
oh whatever
they're under the link,
picture perfect
i think i'd better be off
vicky's home today as well
oh yes,
i'm home today,
because when i missed english yesterday,
mrs O and mrs B wouldn't belive how i could have diahorrea in the toilet for a whole hour.
thinking of it,
it really isn't hard to belive.
i mean you come out,
and you're hit with another bout of tummy ache
50 mins passes very fast when you're running in and out of the toilet like that
but whatever
B called mummy
and she made the mistake of implicating that my mom always covers for me.
it's pretty stupid actually
and they were extremely unreasonable because they demanded that i get a doctor's note to cover my absence in english class.
pay my twelve bucks for me and maybe i will.
but well,
they didn't and i still went to the docs anyway
you see,
it's pretty fucking stupid if you think about it
unless they check they drainage system in the toilets to see if anyone had diahorrea,
there isn't anything to prove that i had diahorrea
eve if i went to the doctors,
they won't shove their fingers up my ass and check to see if i had diahorrea that day and then go to the trouble of giving me an excuse slip for my absence in english class
mummy was pretty damned cheesed off
i mean,
fuck i'm trying my best,
i've been coming to school for like two,three weeks in a row AT LEAST
my point is,
even if i did cut class,
i wasn't even supposed to be in school to begin with!
i was supposed to leave after the math test
i stayed for the last fifteen minutes of art
and this is what i fucking get for defying my mc and coming to school,
that i'm told i cut class
when i'm supposed to be outta school anyway
mrs O:
if you're in the toilet having diahorrea for a whole hour,
you should be at home!
er, that's why i'm getting my release form signed so i can go home
mrs B didn't believe me, and she said she was disappointed.
mrs O said that "this had happened so many times,"
she doesn't know what to believe
FY fucking I,
this is only the second time it's happened,
that i've missed her class
the first time was on a wednesday in term 1 when i came to school late and she didn't believe me
what the hell does she want?
i hate english,
but still i work hard and i topped the class for the last test.
as off today,
i've got articles written out for her dumbass newspaper assignment
i swear i love school,
it's just a lot of teachers that i detest
their friggin unreasonableness.
oh and by the way,
i won't be performing for the mother's day dinner
simply just because i won't be attending the dinner itself and neither will my mom.
figure that out.
when i'm perfectly alright with performing and then just disappearing
- xoxo
charis loves you
3:40 PM