Tuesday, May 16, 2006

yesterday and today in a nutshell
i have a lot to type about so i might even have to actully post a couple of times.
you know,
so that my dear readers,
like there are any,
won't like have a huuuge chunk of words to swallow.
whatever whatever
i'll try to tell most of what i want to tell
i should stop saying okay
let me breathe in and relive my anger
school sucked fuck today.
that's a sec one word by the way
i was using it when i was thirteen,okay
school sucked fuck today,
hey i havn't even talked about yesterday!
so yes,
let's start with yesterday
and i will put full names
and put full facts
and personal opinions
Mrs Adeline Ong,
my English teacher.
quite a few girls in our English class have not handed in their articles due
that includes me because,
in case anyone didn't notice,
i was absent thanks to the MC i got when i was forced to get a note from the doctors due to my absence from an hour's english class on tuesday when i was NOT,
i repeat, underline, emphasize,
NOTsupposed to be in school anyway.
of course,
she would never take that into consideration.
this said,
because she said she didn't care if i wasn't around the past week
when she asked where my work was and i said i hadn't typed it out yet,
she shook her head and said,
"big deduction of marks. big"
hey, the emphasis is on the word big
i told her i wasn't around last week to type it out
but she shot back with a "it's been due two weeks"
fact of the matter is everyone started typing it last week and i wasn't around to type it out
i tell her so, of course
and she goes, word for word i promise you,
"It's not my problem you weren't around to type it out. don't tell me you were absent, don't think of me as some kind of fool"
vicky, beside me calms me down,
tells me to take deep breaths. she suggests i hand in my draft
"can i just hand in my draaa..."
Mrs Ong cuts me off with,
"can you please address me properly instead of just shouting at me like that?"
tense pause,
there's this silence i can hear and vicky can too.
i take a deep breath,switch on a formal accent
"Mrs Ong, may i hand this in even though it's not typewritten?"
i'm sure the whole class knows.
oh whatever.
so yes, that was yesterday's little event.
on top of which i went all the way to esplanade for a couple of art books and it all proved absolutely fruitless.
lets swing into today now.
vicky didn't come to school today
i never got a chance to say sorry,
so baby buu when you read this,
i'm sorry.
of course you're not a damned info counter
the speaker today was wonderful,
on the way to talk though,
topaki said my skirt was short.
my skirt?
mine ?
so i told her i'd realter it and she asked for my name tag and wanted me to see her at the end of today or else the whole school would know about my too short uniform.
not that anyone gives a damn
on top of the fact that my skirt is not short
much less kinky short
hello? my mother altered it for heaven's sake!
and it was hard work too considering my mother doesn't fucking sew
so thank you
anyway whatever whatever
recess today,
bought food the usual way of course,
jumped right in.
but as i was more or less done paying for food and handing ann her plate,
there's this small squeal
like ohmygosh
or something,
and santi,
who i waved to earlier,
barges through and is like
"can you moooove"
i don't respond in any way besides frowing as i walk off
but you can tell ann na's pissed off
"forget it" i say,
she's a friend
oh but it doesn't end there
as we seat ourselves down,
it turns out that santi's sitting opposite us
she starts saying in a loud voice how annoyed she was
i figured it was because we cut her queue
of course,
ann can't resist fighting back when people are like this so with a
"she's very loud eh?"
in a louder voice,
i was the relatively quieter one because
"aiya, she's supposed to be my friend la"
but you see,
a friend wouldn't have done what she did,
as i slowly realized
okay you can be annoyed and go,
"oh c'mon do you have to cut MY queue"
but no,
reaction different
and as i noticed, and mummy pointed out,
for someone so pro-christianity,
that was not at all christian like.
her reaction i mean.
now the bible doesnt say anything about cutting queue
besides the point
i don't say much besides answering ann loudly,
"she's supposed to be a friend la"
calista and stacey come round,
of course ann would have to tell calista everything,
of course a,
"sorry ah, supposed to be charis' friend"
stacey being stacey with her very gorgeous stacey eyes,
i'm not being sarcastic here,
would of course,
look santi's way
need i say more?
so besides talk on how mark is after her,
and how he denied knowing amanda,
i walked off to buy drinks with my new problem gone
because you see,at the end of the day it's what a friend would do.
now if you put WWJD into it, would He have done what you did?well i cant say anything about my actions i admit, i don't think there were queues back then and when there were, it was to see Jesus Himself.
i'll lay off the holy stuff now.
event two,
because knowing Charis' eventful life,
how can that be the event of the day right?
Veronica had Gastric.
plain and simple.
gastric which caused her to double up in pain and prevented her from walking up the stairs or even long distances
we went to see Mrs Bhatia who allowed us to accompany her to the canteen because she can't lie down in the sick bay
given, that we were told to return to class once we sat her down
but you shoulda seen veronica's face,
all contorted in agony like that
you can't say she was acting,
this was real
painfully real for veronica
Ms Kok said we cut class
demanded answers from veronica and shouted before an answer came out,
basically a tactic of course,
to make it seem like veronica is lying through her teeth
made a discipline case,
brought to ms Gan.
so i wrote my statement down.
it was this,
in a nutshell:
i said i hoped it would all go down in record,
i relayed the events, exact timing down to each minute
for the blank box labelled
'why you should be given a second chance'
a second chance?
it is not a second chance i ask for
if the school chooses to slap me with demerit points because i was too worried about my friend to leave her alone in the canteen, then there is nothing i can do.
it seems silly to disturb and take the canteen cleaners out of their work to ask them to look after my friend while i run up to math lesson to keep my ass out of hot soup. plus, the school has always taught us to put others before ourselves.
pretty much word for word.
so we were given the benefit of the doubt
let off
but i was told that should such a coincidence occur again,
no one would believe me
hell do i know that,
but how coincidental was today, pray tell?
okay, shall not harp on because i'm super uber annoyed with today
oh yes,
while standing outside the office and cutting off the threads which my mother had so very carefully sewn to make the hem barely visible on my uniform,
AF, like she always does, picking on girls outside the office,
said with contempt in her voice,
"why don't you just sit down!"
"because i can't" i answered.
dumbass bitch
end of today.
oh yes,
i accidentally cut my leg with my penknife during art.
it kinda slipped off the plastic bottle i was trying to cut and it cut through my uniform and cut my leg.
but small
ah yes,
and i cut my fourth knuckle as well
i don't know how,
maybe the plastic did it
so yes,
i have successfully, in five days,
managed to
-stab myself with an earring stud, thus injuring under my third fingernail which still hurts
-cut my lef with a penknife
-cut my fourth knuckle with something or another
this hurts the most actually, especially with constant bending and unbending of my finger.
mummy's pissed at today too.
and janice is annoying me,okay i should hand over the com
but hey,
she said she wanted to stab me in the back!
okay whatever
do i have anything more to say?
oh whatever,
this is more than an eyeful for a patient audience
i keep saying lotsa whatevers now
i'm still pissed,
trust me.
early night for me
- xoxo
charis loves you
8:30 PM