Friday, May 26, 2006
i don't want to,
i don't want to anymore
because things have changed,
do you see what i see?
this used to be fun,
it used to be sweet
i can't remember when this part came in
this feeling of defeat
fuck i don't understand,
it's all messed up in my head
i can't recall when i stopped expecting
i can't recall when i stopped wanting,
when i stopped asking
but i remember why
and that it was because i didn't want to be a dog
begging for a walk
a walk that i admit,
i really did, do need
but now it's hitting me,
reality's kicking in
i realize that i manage to do what i've wanted to do
i've managed to do
what i felt best
this had made me less expectant
less hopeful
but thinking about this now,
when just the other day i held back before i texted,
like i've found myself doing for quite a while now,
i realized
it hasn't made a difference
but then, we've got our own lives to live now havn't we?
**** ****

i didn't quite understand this,
but then as i tried to come up with reasons for lovers not to be identified as drugs,
i found i proved myself wrong
i'm addicted to you
and i'm left wanting more, more and more
to a point i might say,
i can't live without you
i refuse to say i'm addicted,
i don't wanna be so dependent on something
(or someone)
a little bit of you sends me on a high,
but temporarily
just temporarily
that temporary high can leave you feeling so cold
so alone
but when you're on that high
it all seems so worth it
oh so worth it
it can be so painful though,
the side-effects that come with
you wake up with nightmares,
if not,
sweet dreams centre around you, it,
this feeling,
this drug,
my drug
cold turkey is so painful
you don't think you can make it
but you do
but then, it become nothing when you're faced again
once more,
you're hooked
oh, so hooked
on this feeling,
this drug,
my drug,
you some people want to be addicted,
they want to keep on being hooked
some don't but they can't help it
you see,
it, this feeling, this drug,
you're so wonderful
that when i'm at my worst,
when feelings are all screwed and messed up
and i just want to quit,
those feelings and thoughts completely dissolve
when i see your smile
another taste of you,
this feeling,
my drug
it's not all bad,
it's not supposed to be
because that high,
oh just that temporary high
is all it takes
for me to be addicted again
oh so so addicted
you're so good it hurts really, it is
you send me into fits of ecstacy,
i'm walking on clouds,
it feels like a dream
a dream, a dream, a dream
good feeling is gone,
too soon, too soon, too soon
and i'm left wanting more
more, more and more
i'm curled up,
so addicted but i don't want to admit
i don't want to be addicted but i want to be too
tell me,
because i don't understand
i don't understand,
i don't understand
i'll never get over you
- xoxo
charis loves you
11:25 PM